Archived Episodes
Living with a Greater Awareness of Our Environment
In this episode during the month of November, we have a continuation of our discussion in October on ways to that we can empower ourselves to prevent not only breast cancer but many cancers.  ...
The Making of the film “It’s Time” with special guest Gail Lynn
Let’s discuss why I made this film and how it magically came together. And, why I am offering it for FREE to spread more love and kindness.
Building the Resilience Muscle for Good Health through Stress Management Practices
Parenting is the best and most challenging job of our lives. On most days, it requires our full attention, is hard work, and can use up much of our energy. It is also made up of some of the sweetest moments of our ...
Now What? What Happened?
You hit a dead end again. You had the will power all gone. What about the motivation? You can't see yourself continuing what you've started because it's scary it's new. But it would be so good for you.
Cancer Prevention: Is This Possible?
In our first episode, we learn the 5 Pillars of Health & Well-being and why Pregnancy, Young Childhood and Adolescence are the keys to life-long good health and reduced risk of cancer. Watch
You Are Stronger Than You Think!
Call 800-930-2819 for a reading Watch live link
The Golden Gate: Unleash Your Feminine Powers to Graceful Aging with Special Guest Dr. No...
The Golden Gate is a guide to becoming the woman you are destined to be. By healing your mind, body and spirit you will unleash your feminine powers to live longer...
Step Into The Ageless Zone™
Don't Let Your Age Rule You - Rule Your Age™ Very early in our lives we become aware of age as a number. Either we are being told we are too young for something, or we see our elders ...
Step Into The Ageless Zone™
Don't Let Your Age Rule You - Rule Your Age™ Very early in our lives we become aware of age as a number. Either we are being told we are too young for something, or we see our elders ...
Artificial Intelligence Meets Healthcare with special guest Nathan Price, PhD
Learn About a New Approach to Healthcare That Utilizes Artificial Intelligence to Help Identify Early Signs of Disease
Process for Healing Trauma
What are the 3 aspects of healing? Watch
Women in the Zone with Special Guest Jim Fannin
May 18th in-preson and online - LIVE A LIFE OF SIMPLICITY, BALANCE, AND ABUNDANCE! Dynamic speakers, Q & A with the Audience, Game Changing Tools for Living in the Zone! with Dr. Pat Baccili and Ann Gro...
Why Chemicals Cannot Heal with Doug Godkin from Ameo Life!
Why Chemicals and laboratory created products cannot heal the body. America is in a health crisis, with too many people dependent on chemical based health products, personal care products and foods.
Why is silver the most overlooked supplement? with Doug Godkin
Education on Silver as a health supplement, explore the history of silver and why it has been so heavily scrutinized by the health industry. Explore all the positive aspects of how silver can enhance wellne...
Clear Your Issues in the Tissues with Lynn Waldrop
Clear Your Issues in the Tissues is a Series to educate people on the true causes of dis-ease so that we can make better choices for our lives and BE healthy! Watch
Brightcore: Healing Yourself From The Inside Out with Kim Bright!
Nutrition on your time! Watch
Brightcore: Healing Yourself From The Inside Out with Kim Bright!
Nutrition on your time! Watch
What is Happening with Divine Guidance? with Special Guest Patricia McNair
Connecting with Patricia of Divine Guidance!
Get Back in the Driver’s Seat – You Have the Power!!
How do you take control of your health? Join Doc Martin and Dr Pat in a discussion on how to maximize your healing power. Dr Martin will do readings for callers guiding them to reclaim their power. Sh...
Massage Envy-Beth Stiller! Decompression Experiments on Animals-Shriya Swaminathan! Care...
Beth Stiller discusses the importance of having a self-care routine and explains how massage therapists and estheticians can aid in coping with physical and emotional stress. Massage therapy is a c...
Monday, October 31, 2022
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Beth Stiller , Shriya Swaminathan , Kevin Kelly
The 3 Pillars To Transform Stress into Power, Freedom & Balance with Guest Dr. Vijaya Nair
✓ How to stop making “Toxic Goals” for yourself and your business by understanding what they are and why most people’s goals fail before they even get started. ✓ The root cause of ALL your...
A mother and daughter's strength and hope perspective. Watch/Listen
In Our Element: Using the Five Elements as Soul Medicine to Unleash Your Personal Power w...
This beginner-friendly book introduces the five elements--water, wood, fire, earth, and metal--as a system for understanding the cycles and rhythms of your body, mind, and soul. It teaches you how to use the elemen...