Archived Episodes

The Crystal Coach Show with Anahata: Clarity, Guidance, & Practical Wisdom

Feeling into Justice and Equity

What does justice and equity mean?  How is it defined?  When we see injustice and unfairness in our world, how are we called to respond to it?  In this episode, Anahata explores this highly charged s... 

  Monday, February 19, 2024

Host: Anahata Roach

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Maximum Resilience with Kelly Bazzani

The Power of Education Matters

Building Healthy Relationships; Embracing Social and Emotional Wellness Through Education!   

Maximum Resilience with Kelly Bazzani

The Power of Mental Health Awareness Matters!

Guiding Our Youth to Be the Conscious Pioneers of Their Future; Not the Prisoners of Our Past! 

  Monday, May 1, 2023

Host: Kelly Bazzani MA Psychology

Guest: Becka Hood

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