Archived Episodes
13. Unfiltered Voice: How to Be Truly Heard
Join us today as we dive into the ART of being heard. Have you ever felt like your voice doesn’t carry? You share your thoughts, pour your heart into conversations, but it’s as if people...
131. Saying what needs to be said
In this episode of our podcast, we dive into the often uncomfortable but crucial topic of saying what needs to be said. Why do we struggle with honesty? Why does it matter? Most of us have been conditioned to belie...
110. The Good One Trap: Navigating Self-Sacrifice and Personal Growth
Join us today in this eye-opening episode where we delve into the often overlooked dilemma of being "the good one" in our relationships and communities. We explore the subtle yet profound ways in which our desire t...
69.“Peopling” is hard
Join me for today’s conversation around Peopling, and why it is hard and how we make it unnecessarily harder for ourselves. If we know how we make it hard, we can reverse engineer every interaction to m...
67. Unlearning Mastery
Join me today as I talk through some of the major shifts in my personal development journey. Interestingly enough the shifts were made possible not by any concept that I learned rather states of being that I ...
62. The Truth About Being Human
Join me today as I share with you one of the most profound truths that I have ever learned. If you have perfectionistic and people pleasing tendencies this show is for you. This truth has given me so mu...
26. Breaking up with Busy
Are you too busy? I think sometimes when we think about being busy we wear it like a badge of honor. It means that we have a lot going on in our life. We have lots to do. Lots of people to take ca...
19. There is no Worth Fairy
If you want more for your days, a sense of aliveness and connection than this episode is for you. I think sometimes we think the opposite of unhealthy, sick, unwell whatever you want to call it, is ...
10. How are you showing UP?
How are you showing up? It's a huge conversation in personal development. It's an even bigger question. We are going to tackle this question in todays show. I am going to offer up a few idea...