Archived Episodes
"Power in Action: Living from Wholeness and Flow"
In this episode, you will embody the essence, feeling, and knowing of aligned and empowered daily living.You will have a chance to call in and clear illusions that keep you from:1) Rememberin...
Is Intuition Safe?
Do you feel like the Universe has your back and that the world is safe to trust your intuitive guidance? Are you confident following your intution in your personal and professional life?
Recovery & Healing Series: Believing From A Place Of Guilt And Shame
Angela, Certified Recovery & Professional Coach, will be continuing her powerful life-transforming Recovery & Healing Series. She will be sharing spiritual insight and truths ...
Encore: Intent is the KEY
So many layers of what some may call "The good Old fabric of of a Person, Society, Community: and relationships have drastically faded to the winds of changing times. This has been so apparent for man...
Unveiling Shadows: Healing Through Relationship Triggers
In this episode, "Unveiling Shadows," we explore the transformative power of shadow work in the context of relationships. Each of us carries hidden aspects of ourselves, known as the shadow, which influence our beh...
Cultivating Connection and Wholeness with Loving Kindness Meditation
Explore the enriching practice of Loving Kindness Meditation in this week's episode of 'Peaceful Wellness with Deb.' This session is dedicated to 'Cultivating Connection and Wholeness,' guiding you through a medita...
Attachment Styles
Lori and I talk about our attachment styles
Episode 6: How do we become more truthful and trusting?
In this episode, we'll grapple with the issues of truth and trust. How can we know what's true? Often the truth can differ from what is commonly believed; what then? What is "reality?" How do we overcome...
Episode 5: How Do We Become a Force for Good
This question comes from one of our viewers. Many people go about their days thinking they are doing good things for the planet, their country, or their place of bu...
Mind, Body, Spirit – Add Energy, and You Have It All with Dr. Sharon Martin
Healing is often broken down into components – mind, or body, or spirit. Underlying all of these is Energy. How can we shake up an old pattern (physical or emotional or spiritual) and get something new,...
Do Not Lose Sight of the Whole
When the Spirit is disowned, fear, guilt and control build a life of pretend and make believe. Facing oneself with love and light awakens the Soul from slumber. No longer are pieces and part...
We Quantum Breathe Back to the Future
We have been enjoying family treasures of love, light, truth and the Universal flow of Peace. Be still. The simplicity of the past has been the bridge to our future. We Quantum Breathe toget...
Relationships – Transformation: Moving from Hurt to Healing!
How do you begin to heal when you have been hurt? Discussing the process to move from hurt to healing and overview of The Life Strategies Way!
Encore: Intent is the KEY
So many layers of what some may call "The good Old fabric of of a Person, Society, Community: and relationships have drastically faded to the winds of changing times. This has been so apparent for man...
Get Off the Shelf, Choose You first, You Have a Right to be Happy with Vicki Dobbs
The book will show, through personal story and metaphor, how women are not alone in their busy worlds, how they can carve out time for themselves and not feel selfish or guilty. In this book, readers will learn pra...
Embracing Your WHOLE Self, Past and Present
Do you believe in other lives? Past lives? Is it possible that you lived before? If so, are parts of that other personality presently living within you? We all get blocks, how many are we unaware of? Could the pres...
Findhorn Spirit Oracle Cards by Swan Treasure
The Findhorn community has cultivated a loving partnership with the subtle realms since its very beginning when one of the founders, Dorothy Maclean (1920-2020), began communicating with the devic world in the orig...
Transmutation for Ascension
Why transmutation of energy is KEY to the spiritual ascension process! Watch live on Facebook.
Healing our Hearts with Music
Tis the season, not just for family and friends and Christmas cheer. Tis the season to take our lives to the next level of awareness, conciousness, and healing. In this episode I am joined by internationally known ...
Make Choices from Love, Compassion and Grace; Be Fiercely Fearless!
Healthy fear protects us from danger, but we’re not meant to stay there as choices made from any aspect of fear never end well. Connect with the dynamic force of fierce love you already have inside you, makin...
Intent is the KEY
So many layers of what some may call "The good Old fabric of of a Person, Society, Community: and relationships have drastically faded to the winds of changing times. This has been so apparent for man...
Encore: Live, Love, Let Go!
Who Am I? A question of the ages for all of us. A question with a hard answer when looking at 'who am i?' and 'who do I want to be?'. A dilemma for many, including myself, to answer and be happy wit...
This Life Is Yours: Discover Your Power, Claim Your Wholeness & Heal Your Life with Linda...
Heal your life and discover how everything can be right even when circumstances are all wrong. This is a book about healing your whole self; a book about becoming conscious and discovering the eternal and unb...
New Discoveries In Self - Care Part 2: Self Respect Starts With Self Care! with Andrea B....
What does self - care truly mean? What are the implications of self - care? My guest this episode is Andrea B. Jasper of Studio A Pilates and Yoga! Tune in, lean in and join the conversation as we...