Archived Episodes
The Mysticism in Ancient Sanskrit with Sarah Mane
Sanskrit has a mysterious and mystical power. Even for those who know little about it, the shape of the letters and the beauty of the sound is magnetic. Join Dr Pat and her guest Sarah Mane as they ...
How to love our bodies and tune into our inner wisdom with special guest Martine Emmons
Gratitude for this beautiful vessel that houses our souls!!
The Condor and the Eagle Prophecy as a mirror of our time with Itzhak Beery
Ancient prophecies of the High Andes and Brazilians Amazon foresaw these coming times of profound transitions, and we may want to take note, of these optimistic perspectives.
ANGEL FIRST AID TECHNIQUES with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
Improve your life through the use of Angel First Aid Techniques. These include visualizations and remedies for all facets of life--love, relationships, health, career, and finances. Allow yourself to be elevated to...
Your Life, Your Transformation with Christine Clark
Transformation is the name of the game of Life. Whether you want to deepen your love relationship, make that side hustle your primary endeavor, climb a mountain, write your book, or expand your business it requires...
Dr. Diane Interviews Mindy DiPietro on the NES Bioenergetic System
The NES Bioenergetic system involves a three-pronged approach, a bioenergetic scan for wellness assessments, a handheld bioelectric technology, and liquid remedies for supporting a rapid return to be...
Enter The Maximum Mindset Matrix - Think It and Create It
Do you want more power and ease in your life? Pay attention to your mindset. The good, bad and the ugly of thought forms. When you hold a thought, you hold an energy. When you hold an energy, your path unfo...
Manifest and Rediscover with Tiffany Watkins
Realizing the path you’re on isn’t leading you anywhere near where you want to be in life can be confusing and scary. Let’s talk about the ways that you can redirect yourself and transform into th...
Your Soul Level Workout - Compassion Calisthenics
We think a lot about working out our bodies, but how often do we consider working out our soul? If we consider our soul as another body, an extension of who we are, then consistently working ...
Encore: Knowing your crazy around aging, with special guest, Dr. Rosie, author of Aging l...
Staying sane while your aging clock is ticking away.
How to Achieve World Peace Thru Awesome Sex with Maggie Rast
Wow! What a bold and audacious claim! World Peace thru awesome sex? Is that even possible? What does that even mean? I mean, I want awesome sex but how does that bring about world peace? These questions are answere...
Metaphysical skills - everyone needs now! with special guest hosts Jason and Patricia Rohn
Metaphysics has been discredited for years and is not considered creditable in scientific and evidence-based bodies of knowledge! In this show we will make the case for everyone to know and study metaphysics ...
Channeled Messages with special guest host- Pam Bright
Dr. Pat has graciously given Pam Bright her platform today for The Empower Me Show. As we navigate through many changes in 2022, the month of May brings with it the energies of rebirth, new beginnings, spring...
Episode 39 - Prepare and Prevent with Guest Michelle Perry
In episode 39, Michelle Perry explains how burnout really looked like being overwhelmed and unsure and not having the vocabulary to describe it. The move to corporate America was a r...
Conception, abortion, and soul purpose – the way it really works!
We will share with you how conception happens, and what happens to the soul during abortion or a miscarriage. During this time where Roe v Wade is being questioned understanding this process from an energetic...
Encore: The Shamanic Soul: A Guidebook for Self-Exploration, Healing, and Mysticism with ...
Written by an authentic practitioner of Peruvian shamanism, this beginner-friendly book is a one-stop training course in the shamanic arts. Daniel Moler teaches you shamanism through non-appropriative methods, incl...
Show up for yourself with Kornelia Stephanie
Show up for yourself. Daily Life these Days. This is a contemplative time on Planet Earth. Who are you now? What’s important to you? Use your mental focus to go within to listen to the prompting of your inner...
Encore: Spirit Partners for Life: Call In Show for your Empowerment!!
This show is a Live Call in Show for you and your life. David and Pam are here as healers, coaches, and transformational leaders to help you get clear, have reduce pain and stress, create some action steps, o...
Releasing Limitations with special guest hosts Gretta Chamberlain, Leigh Stima and Yvonne...
Guest Hosts, Gretta Chamberlain, Leigh Stima and Yvonne Kraeher discuss the Quote from The Realm of Beings: "Release and live your life to the fullest. There is no limita...
Claiming True Justice Through Breaking the Silence
More and more we see racial violence and discord in our world. Some people hide away from the tragedy, others blame those who inflict the harm, some becom...
Surrender Your Story with Robin H Clare, Manuscript Maven – Green Heart Living Press
Each of us has a story, and in fact, we may have many stories that define our lives and impact our ability to manifest our best lives. These stories directly result from unhealed trauma from our childhood, teen, an...
SoulBlazing: Transform your Imposters into Superpowers and Live a More Purposeful, Authen...
What is SoulBlazing ? We all have different stories that shape how we experience ourselves and the world. But what if some of those stories are based on false beliefs or misunderstandings that hold us back in life?...
Micah Nilsson speaks about Alchemy, Spiritual Energy, and Plants
Micah Nilsson will explain the spiritual properties of herbs, their alchemical significance, and how we can align with their spirits for better health, love, and a more positive outlook on life.
A Community of Compassion at Robson Reserve
Has compassion shaped and changed the way some organizations do business? If so, what impact has it had on their bottom line? If you ask James Robson and Lance Williams of Robson Rese...
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Host: Amber Mikesell
Co-Host: Austin Uhl
Guests: James Robson , Lance Williams