Archived Episodes
Light Code Transmissions and Energy Healings with Pam Bright
Pam will be using the Daily Hookup as a spiritual tool in this episode to assist all of you in accessing your energy support system and receiving what you need to feel empowered in daily life.
PART 2 of Unforgotten Origin with Steven & Evan Strong
The amazing Documentary about Steve & Evan Strong of Unforgotten Origin - Out of Australia Theory. This Father and Son Team together have such a full on Library of information. They share openly a...
Exploration of Self
In this Episode, Gretta, Leigh and Yvonne discuss the quote: "This reality is the space in which you have chosen to learn lessons that you committed to explore."
ERC- Extraterrestrial Research Center with Guest Rick Warner
Rick Warner discusses ERC-Extraterrestrial Research Center, and how to submit UFO sightings. Rick answers questions on the existence of UFO's and extraterrestrial beings, beliefs in alien species and starting his o...
Coming Out of Hiding and Shining Brightly with special guest- Kristi Pederson
In this episode, my special guest, Kristi Pederson, gets to BE HERSELF and share with all of us her amazing story of living her young life as a secret and how she slowly became visible and began living out her purp...
Death Is Continuous
In this Episode, Gretta, Leigh, Yvonne and The Realm of Beings discuss the quote: "Death is the process of continuous transitioning closer and closer to the Force until we recognize ...
Encore: Choosing your Empowered Life with Special Guest- Dana Pellegrini
I am super excited to bring in my special guest, Dana Pellegrini to this episode! She is my dear friend and client, as well as a true Soul Sister. Dana has been a lifelong student and teacher of awakeni...
Dad! Are the original superheroes coming back?
Call 800-930-2819 to connect with Dad on our special fathers day show. Watch live on Facebook.
Down to Earth Psychic Medium meets Woo-Woo Queen with special guest- Veronica Drake
LIVE CALL-IN SHOW 1-800-930-2819 **** Get a reading, ask for clarity, receive healing**** Veronica Drake, international speaker, past life reader, and spiritual messenger joins ...
Sacred Heart -- Open to Love
Longing for love? Wondering why the path seems blocked? Put aside your despair and let us open the channels! Dr Georgia and Dr Sharon will take your calls and help shift the energies to open you to love! Ca...
Encore: Spiritual Glam - Damn! with Guest Dr. Pat Baccili
Sharing Divine Guidance experience.
Choosing Your Empowered Life with Special Guest- Cheryl Clark
This episode is going features a very accomplished business strategist as well as a humanitarian and leader, Cheryl Clark. She is going to share with us her amazing story of survival and how she was a...
The Path from Condemnation to Unconditional Love
In this Episode, Gretta, Leigh, Yvonne and The Realm of Beings discuss the quote: "Condemn no one because you are one with whom you condemn."
Love Has No Gender: It's Pride Month 2022
Live call in show 800-930-2819 for reading with Mark Anthony and Dr. Pat. It's all about love. Watch live The original organizers chose this...
Spirit Partners for Life with Special Guest David Buck
This episode is our Spirit Partners episode and Pam will be interviewing her special guest and co-host David. We will be speaking about the energetics of our sacred marriage and how we moment to moment create...
Enter The Maximum Mindset Matrix - Think It and Create It
Do you want more power and ease in your life? Pay attention to your mindset. The good, bad and the ugly of thought forms. When you hold a thought, you hold an energy. When you hold an energy, your path unfo...
Encore: Divine Will versus Self Will - Is it that Simple?
One of our little guys favorite shows is how to Train your Dragon... hmmm looking at it deeper I see a whole new Show happening here on this Sacrd Mother Earth. I "Knew I shoud of, could of , would of.... b...
Encore: Superhero Mania - Who are the Superheroes and or Villain You Would Like to See Le...
Heroes & Villains provides fans a deep dive into the lore of the world's most iconic fictional worlds through their emotional, psychological, mental, and physical fan...
Revere Yourself
In this Episode, Gretta, Leigh, Yvonne and The Realm of Beings discuss the Quote: "Show reverence to yourself. Show trust in yourself.&nb...
Lost Soul, Wise Soul: How Challenging Past Lives Shape Our Future with Karen Joy
Drawing on her most compelling client cases, Karen Joy shows you the natural arc of a soul's journey over many lifetimes, including violent or negative ones. She reveals how our souls begin, how we enter lives on e...
Shifting Victim Mentality
In this Episode, Gretta, Leigh and Yvonne discuss the quote: "It is more important to thank a person for a challenging experience in which both of you participated than to forgive th...