Archived Episodes
The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch with guests Drs. JJ and Desiree Hurtak
A paradigm shift is taking place We are growing into the awareness that the future we create will exist not only for ourselves but for all of humanity. Join us as we look at the connections between the powers of the ...
Angelic Music For Your Soul with guest Muriel
The music of Muriel born through the essence of Muriel's soul speaks to the essence of each of our souls. Join us to hear Muriel's beautiful music and learn how it came to be.
Our Oneness with the Divine Presence with her guest John Randolph Price
Understanding our Oneness with the Divine Presence that is within us brings to our life the true source of our empowerment, abundance, and all that is great and good in our life. John Randolph Price gives some very s...
Part Two - Education of the Soul through Melchizedek with guest Sylvia Shanti Vowless
The Order of Melchizedek is the Order of Light, Knowledge and soul-based Teaching Intelligence governing and guiding the spiritual evolution of humanity. As such, it has seeded all the world's great spiritual traditi...
The Divine Name with guest Jonathan Goldman
Healing Sounds pioneer Jonathan Goldman discusses his discovery of The Divine Name, a universal sound that has the ability of bringing healing and harmony to us on both a personal and planetary level. Found in the anc...
Understand Your Unique Human Design with guest Peter Roe
Human Design is a tool for understanding the mechanics and tendencies in how we act, react and express ourselves. It explains what energy, characteristics, and skills are our strength and which are not. The show will ...
A Circle Of Friends with Ross Taylor of The Circle
The Circle has many aspects and it draws many to use it because it helps peel the onion, dig deeper and find facets of ones-self that may have been hidden in plain sight. Meet the people who have been inspired and enl...
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Ross Taylor , Dr. Christine Rummer-Copeland
The Circle with Ross Taylor
The Circle has many aspects and it draws many to use it because it helps peel the onion, dig deeper and find facets of ones-self that may have been hidden in plain sight.
The Power of Healing with Source with Author and Medical Intuitive Dave Markowitz
Healing With Source is a spiritual guide to mind-body medicine. Lynn Andrews says This book is an incredible insight into mind body medicine and how our thoughts affect our state of wellness. I loved it Dave is a medi...
Education of the Soul through Melchizedek with guest Sylvia Shanti Vowless
The Order of Melchizedek is the Order of Light, Knowledge and soul-based Teaching Intelligence governing and guiding the spiritual evolution of humanity. As such, it has seeded all the worlds great spiritual traditio...
New Self, New World: Recovering Our Senses in the 21st Century with guest Philip Shepherd...
We will take a look at how our story as a human has been formed through the ages by our culture and beliefs and therefopre has formed how we see ourselves as human and hides from ourself our true grace.
Generating Wealth - Making Prosperity a Way of Life with our very own Angel Lady Sue Storm
Learning the tools to bring your finances up to speed.
Soul Language with guest Jennifer Urezzio
Find out what the different languages of your soul are and how you can use them to give direction in your life.
Living a Juicy, Joyful Life with Linda Joy of Aspire Magazine
Do you ever wonder why some women are able to live grounded in the now, cherish the small moments, and look back without regret? These women are living Juicy, Joyful livesand now, for the first time, their stories are...
Energy Medicine with Energy Intuitive Marie Manuchehri, RN
Marie is a nationally known energy intuitive, reiki master and teacher. As a clairvoyant, clairsentient and clairaudient with full sight of the chakras and the human energy system surrounding the body, Marie's ability...
The Fifth Agreement: A Practical Guide to Self Mastery - don Jose Ruiz and the sequel to ...
don Jose Ruiz discusses the collaboration with his father, don Miguel Ruiz on this long awaited sequel to The Four Agreements. This book expands upon The Four Agreements with fresh insights and empowers us to recover ...
The Evolution of Forgiveness with Terri Daniel
Forgiveness is probably the single most difficult concept for the ego to understand. We feel pressured to forgive all the time, but we just can't seem to wrap our minds around the idea of forgiving the cheating spouse...
Opening to Ecstasy--Live with Lynnet:3 Energy Channels of WellBeing
Grace and freedom are available to each one of us as we open to and clear these Channels. And so many have forgotten or never experienced that it's possible.
Claiming the Psychic in YOU Deb Bowen and Samantha Fey
In this exciting show Deb and Samantha teach you how to tap into your own psychic ability. They believe everyone has a sixth sense an often unused part of themselves that simply needs to be trained and exercised.
Quantum Energy Works with guest Jo Dunning
Jo Dunning, founder and director of Quantum Energetic Disciplines and developer of The Pulse Technique, uses energy for the rapid clearing of life issues.
Casting The Circle and finding oneself with Ross Taylor of The Circle: Selected by New Ag...
Drawn from the ancient mandala, modern psychology, the collective unconscious and the well of archetypes we all inhabit, The Circle takes the seeker on a journey to self discovery, higher truths and "oh, Wow" moments....
Vibrational Success-Reconnecting People to "The Field" of Possibility with guest Mark Romero
Discover how you can awaken to your magnificence and unlimited potential to create the life of your dreams. In this program, Mark Romero will discuss how it is possible to get in touch with ones real power and mov...