Archived Episodes
Darlene Turner, Miss Chrissy D -Shining the Light on Domestic Violence.
Bringing awareness into the darkness around Spousal Abuse. It affects more women than ever imagined. There is so much shame, guilt, and s...
Friday, November 1, 2019
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Co-Hosts: Darlene Turner, Miss Chrissy D
Guest: Kornelia Stephanie
From not good enough to enough with Kornelia Stephanie. I AM Worthy.
In this evolutionary time, you are in you may be feeling insecure about shining your light, about speaking your truth and standing up for yourself as good enough. Maybe there is someone in your life that is trigger...
"4 Stages of Business, 4 Steps To Wealth" With Rise and Be Rich
Business is hard and a lot of people fail, yet when you succeed in realizing your dreams it’s a beautiful achievement and fulfillment. Most people enter a business to fulfill a purpose, create wealth for them...
Unleash Your Productivity and Get More Done
Can you think of anyone who doesn’t wish they had more time? What if you could improve your productivity today by 33%? If you are currently wearing yourself out with 60 hours weeks, wouldn’t...
The Radio Lady is Calling all Earth Angels 1-800-930-2819
Make a wish, offer a prayer, call in your ideal. Whatever you seek is seeking you. Whatever it is you want, it is already so. Call me up at 1-800-930-2819 and speak it out. I will speak it back to you what I heard ...
Moms Across America Gold Standard Forges a New Standard for a Healthier World with Zen Ho...
How her own family’s health issues led her to learn more about the dangerous chemicals in our food supply and to do something about it!
Encore: Picasso: Evolution of Art
Overview of his development and how that is explained in terms of the Creative Dimension.
Recognizing and Owning Our Privilege: Why is it so hard for so many? A Conversation with ...
Join me and Dr. Alejandro Covarrubias, Faculty with the Social Justice Training Institute and Assistant Professor for Higher Education and Student Affairs in the Department of Leadership Studies at the University o...
From Survival to Creation- creating your own path to “Wellth" with Dianne Solano
Join this powerful segment where you will learn some fun and effective secrets to making a habit you already know, love and do GUILT- FREE and Super delicious!!! Learn how Dianne has taken health and infused into a...
Just when you think things can’t get any worse! - With Miss Chrissy D
Things are not equal, things are not fair! Why do we Think we can’t change that. Why do we stand around and watch in fear instead of standing up together and make things right #MeToo changes that. #MeToo says...
Home Buyer Grants-Barkley! Period Taboo-King & Davis! 4-Legged Heroes-Bones! Migraine App...
AJ Barkley discusses how qualified buyers can receive as much as $17,500 to help them purchase a home with Bank of America's new Down Payment Grant program and reveals tools and resources available to low-to modera...
Monday, September 30, 2019
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: AJ Barkley , Dr. Kiarra King , Cece Jones-Davis , Bobby Bones , Linda Porter Ph.D.
Handle the Lump, Heal your Life Part 5 with Dana Theriault and Dianne Solano
What does mean it to be a “Consumer”? Is consumption limited to the MATTER you put in your mouth when it comes to health, healing, or human potential? What comes to MIND when you think of all you &ldquo...
Overcoming the Superwoman Syndrome while still feeling like Wonder Woman
In today’s fast pace lifestyle, many women are often caught up in what is appropriately called the “Superwoman Syndrome.” These women are constantly striving to accomplish everything possible in a...
Take Control - Say Yes to Your Life
Are you waiting for someone else to give you permission? Or are you taking control to live the life you want? Too often we wait for someone else to tell us it is ok, to be the judge if something is acceptable, and ...
Love: how many kinds are there?
Today we will cover the types of love and how that evolves us and what the Knowledge Book says about it.
Are you living in lack or in love?
Are you living in lack or in love? Join the discussion with Dr. Tanja Isabella, The CEO Seductress and founder of Rich Woman Sexy and Million-heiress Mindset. We will discuss how to invoke a new p...
Love: how many kinds are there?
Today we will cover the types of love and how that evolves us and what the Knowledge Book says about it.
Fueled by Freedom - Amplifying Your Life of “Wealth” with Dianne Solano
Tune in to discover: How to Inspire others who are feeling stuck in life - emotionally, f...
It’s Never Too Late, The Time is Now #letsdothis with Miss Chrissy D.
Women bring so much to this world. We deserve to be happy and safe. We deserve to be able to take care of ourselves and to teach our girls to do the same. Welcome the PNK files, the tools that will help you do that...
Is 2020 your $100,000 Year? with Susan Axelrod.
Let's talk about Money. Is 2020 your $100,000 Year. What will you do with $8, 333.00 per month? Say's Susan Axelrod. We are talking...
Handle the Lump, Heal your Life Part 4 with Dana Theriault
Have you explored the relationship between what is happening in your life and what is happening in your body? Do you agree that dis-ease in your life is directly or indirectly linked to dis-ease in your body? How i...
MASTERING MIDLIFE MINDSET: How to make the rest of your life the best of your life with G...
Midlife - does the word strike fear in your heart? For many midlife is a mixed emotional bag but it doesn't have to be. Midlife can be the time of life when we begin to hit our stride, bring our knowledge, experien...
Love: how many kinds are there?
Today we will cover the types of love and how that evolves us and what the Knowledge Book says about it.
Scapegoating Mental Illness-PT 2: What Part of Terror Doesn't Washington Understand
"Study after study has shown us that is simply not true. It’s actually more often the reverse," he said, in that people living with mental illness are far more likely to be victims of violence than ...