Archived Episodes
Vibrational Nutrition: Understanding the Energetic Signature of Foods with Candice Covington
Learn exciting new ways to use food and cooking as energetic medicine and how you can use this skill set to directly work with emotional, spiritual, and mental states. Explore the dynamic of food narratives (just a...
Getting to the Truth about Addiction and Recovery with Guest Robin H. Clare
Join Dr. Pat as she interviews Robin Clare, Recovery Coach and Best-Selling spiritual author of Feast & Famine: Healing Addiction with Grace. Robin will share with us the spiritual perspective on the source of ...
Angelic Connections & Angel Readings with Guest Host Psychic Medium Jaime
Join Psychic Medium Jaime as she explores the different categories of the angelic realms from her perspective. Angels are underutilized and can help us in so many ways. All we have to do is ask for help and guidanc...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. dStruggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories t...
Who Was I? A Deep Look into Past Lives
In this time of deep self-reflection, we began to wonder where we were before we came into this life. We start questioning if our barriers are standing in our way of creating our ultimate life from our past lives. ...
Passover: Liberation for All with Chef Rossi
Passover starts Chef Rossi First Seder is Saturday March 27th Watch LIVE on Facebook! Go to:
Encore: Trust Without Tricks
To trust is step forward decisively out of our comfort zone and despite any fear. This is how we loosen the ties that bind us. Join Sarah as she uncovers some amazing wisdom contained in the beautiful Sanskrit word...
Higher Vibrations and Positive Shifts with Guest Host Julia Griffin!
Julia Griffin will share insights from the wolves, new ways of developing intuition, and how to use your gifts for greater perception and better manifestation. She will talk about the power of the individual and th...
Finding Your Way Back To Your Path
We are spiritual beings on this human adventure called life. We have created a path, blueprint, layout of what we are here to learn in this lifetime. How many of you can sit back and say you feel complacent in your...
New Life and New Happiness & Health with special guest host Sabrina Wright
Spring is the season of New Beginnings! A time of awakening, a time of celebration. Today we're talking about how new lifestyles deliver new results, and how to build better habits that create Health, Happiness &am...
Have YOU ever felt like You were Between Two WORLDS? with Guest Host Patricia McNair and ...
Join me and my Guest Brian Francis as we take you on an adventure sharing about his experiences in creating his new book Between Two Worlds. Spiritual Writings and Photographs. Watch live on Facebook.
Blossom Goodchild speaks about the power of LOVE and LIGHT
Australian channeler, Blossom Goodchild, explains how to tap into love and light. She shares the importance of LOVE and LIGHT in our personal world - and how it can change the world at large.
Into the Fire with Coach Christine Clark!
What do you do when the call comes to step up your game, fill a new role, work at a higher level, become partner? You answer “Yes, of course.” Then figure it out. You are meant for greatness. When oppor...
UFOs exist - now what?? with Guest Hosts Jason & Patricia Rohn
We have seen so much information trying to prove that UFOs exist but what if they do? If this topic fascinates you, there is a reason! As Intuitives we will talk about the existence of UFOs, why you’re intere...
The Power of Listening With Empathy with Nancy Landrum
WE learn how to spell, write sentences, create compositions, join a debate club, etc. But the only place we learn how to listen effectively is if it is modeled for us! Only then do we experience the transformative ...
Loving and Leaving an Active Alcoholic with Guest Host Pushy Broad From The Bronx and Gue...
What is it like to live with an active alcoholic? How can you help your loved one? How can you help yourself? Listen to one woman’s fascinating story of personal struggle to personal freedom. Watch li...
Personal Injury Attorney Ryan Pauley Shares His Views on Gratitude
This podcast is dedicated to exploring and uncovering the many benefits of living a life with an “attitude of gratitude.” Each guest brings a unique perspective on how embracing a gratitude mindset has ...
Numerology-Numbers Have Messages
Join Psychic Medium Jaime as she takes you on a numbers game, your numbers game! Everything holds a vibrational place in our world. Our names, birthdays, addresses, work title, life path and so much more. We are in...
Lucky Charms! Yum! with global influencer Jana Short
Is it luck or manifestation or both? Are you ready to Thank your Lucky Charms? Join us this week with our guest Jana Short- Global influencer and editor of Best Holistic Life Magazine to discus...
A Lenten Marathon with Guest Host Craig Richardson and guest 3-time cancer survivor Krist...
Kristina Baum is successful by any measure. She’s a communications professional whose career has taken her from Florida to the nation’s capital where she’s worked on Capitol Hill and in the White ...
Procrastination Creates Barriers to Manifestation
Procrastination Creates Barriers to Manifestation. That is a known fact. Why do we procrastinate? What are some of our inner barriers that cause us to move into “procrastination mode?” What energy cente...
What is TIME BANKING? - with Stacey Jacobsohn
This show is one that I was so Passionate to share with ALL of YOU! Ever since I first heard of Time Banking I have felt it deep in my SOUL. Almost like I knew that way of living before. ...