Archived Episodes
Chakra Cards for Belief Change with Nikki Gresham-Record
A card deck and therapy tool in one, this boxed set offers 56 full-color cards to assist you in transforming your unhelpful beliefs and raising your vibration to begin creating the reality you desire. The cards fea...
The Power of Your Name with Guest, Sharon Lynn Wyeth
Sharon Lynn Wyeth shares the secret meanings of names with the science of Neimonics, a specail method of understanding the meaning and importance of your name. Sharon helps individuals and Fortune 500 companies cre...
The Sensitivity Code with Theresa Cheung
Life strategies for thriving in an overwhelming world! Call in! 1-800-930-2819 Watch live on Facebook.
Tips On How To Stay Healthy-Hayes! Animals in Medical Experiments-Trunnell!
Nicole Hayes shares how to maintain healthy habits all season long. From sleep and stress support to joint health and beauty from the inside out! Tips to help you live the healthiest version of you...
Spirit Is Near
Spirit is all around us and Psychic Medium Jaime and Spiritwalker Nicole will help you uncover the ways you can become more aware of Spirit's presence.
The Cannabis Conundrum: Truths, Therapies, & Myths with Dianne Solano and Lindsay Le Blanc
The Cannabis Conundrum ... Dispell the myths, understand the therapies and get empowering information. Tune in and learn how cannabis can be used therapeutically for your health Und...
Stories that Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Friday, August 7, 2020
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Gen Stoney , Stephanie Cox , Diane McClay , Christine Morse
Angels Create Joy with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
The angels want you to be joyful throughout your day. Joseph, Angel of Joy, is with you at all times to expand your enthusiasm for life. Creating an environment of uplifiting thoughts and activities is a project fo...
How Good Are You Willing To Let It Get? with Guest Sarah Bamford Seidelmann M.D.
How Good Are You Willing To Let It Get? Daily FEELGOOD Inspiration for Helpers, Healers and Creatives. Watch live on Facebook.
Perfect to I'Mperfect: Breaking the Barriers of Addiction to Own Life with Shannon Rafalo...
Shannon spent a lifetime living on the edge of adventure and moving from one thing to another with several accomplishments. Busy, busy, busy! From the outside, it appeared as if she had it all! She lived in great c...
Sacred Energies of the Sun and Moon: Shamanic Rites of Curanderismo with Erika Buenaflor
Mesoamerican shamans and practitioners of curanderismo divide each day and night into distinct periods based on the sacred rhythms of the sun and moon. In this hands-on guide, Buenaflor details shamanic rituals and...
The Making of Get Big Out Loud with Kari Knutson
We are living in an intense time! A time of change, introspection, disappointment, heartache and hope. We are looking at ourselves in new ways and asking ourselves what is possible...especially in today&rsquo...
Instant Genius with Daniel Rechnitzer
This show is all about using our brain the way it was actually intended, to connect to the intelligence of the universe itself.
What Is Shades Of Spirit?
Meet Psychic Medium Jaime and Spiritwalker Nicole, our Medium in the shadows, as they share how Shades Of Spirit was born, what their spiritual gifts are, how they developed these gifts into a successful business a...
BE AN ANTI-RACIST. Part Two Kornelia Stephanie and Jennifer Desmangles
This episode is all about. Racial Discrimination, Motherhood, Racist Behaviors and how to change that. How do we change the racist behaviors? It requires an integrative holistic approach. First, we have to admit th...
BE AN ANTI-RACIST. Part One. Kornelia Stephanie and Latriece Love-Goodlett
This episode is all about. Racial Discrimination and how to change that. Racist Behaviors, the Entrepreneur Mindset, and Motherhood. How do we change the racist behaviors? It requires an integrative holistic approa...
Leap Of Faith with Psychic Medium Jaime and Spiritwalker Nicole
How manifesting and taking that leap of faith can change your life! Watch live on Facebook. www.facebo...
Glad To Be Human: Adventures in Optimism with Irene O' Garden
Take a walk on the bright side. In Glad To Be Human: Adventures in Optimism. award-winning writer Irene O’Garden reminds us of the radiance of human existence. From kitchens to gardens to bus...
Shine Brighter Every Day: Nourish Your Body, Feed Your Spirit, Balance Your Life with Dan...
Shine Brighter Every Day is a way of thinking, a mindset. It is not a diet. Danah Mor has created an easy-to-follow, no-nonsense guide that combines scientific and holistic advice to allow you to become your own fo...
Deva: Our Relationship with the Subtle World with Jacquelyn E. Lane
This comprehensive, readable introduction to the Deva Kingdom explains not only the Angelic realm that overlights Nature but how Deva gifts us our experience of being human on planet Earth. DEVA combines a metaphys...
How to be a Modern Samurai: 10 Steps To Finding Your Power & Achieving Success with Anton...
The samurai were ruthless, single-minded warriors who, when told to bring home someone’s head, would literally do it. They applied all the rules of the art of war. Antony Cummins, author of The Ultimate Art o...
Future Vision Your Working Life: 10 Strategies To Help You Get Ahead with Anne Jirsch
The world is changing fast. Just imagine being able to anticipate the future and finding your best and most successful direction. Packed with case studies, exercises and techniques Future Vision will guide you thro...