Archived Episodes
Conscious Creation
This show is always about the latest channeled information in subjects of creation, energy direction, collective consciousness challenges, and self-love. Call in and receive channeled guidance on how to powerfully cre...
Living from Your Truth with Deb Acker
In a world where you're conditioned to be like everyone else, how do you breakthrough patterns and overcome fear to choose you? Come join us today as Intuitive Guide and Truth & Transformation Coach, Deb Acker, w...
The Empowered Self Series with Co-host Dr. Friedemann Schaub: Patience - do we still have...
We all know that patience is a virtue. But how much do we actually practice patience. In a time where everyone is moving at high-speed, where anything we want is just one click away, where instant gratification is mor...
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Hosts: Dr. Pat Baccili, Dr. Friedemann Schaub
Guest: Dr. Friedemann Schaub
Conscious Creation
This show is always about the latest channeled information in subjects of creation, energy direction, collective consciousness challenges, and self-love. Call in and receive channeled guidance on how to powerfully cre...
Kelly M. Ballard, Medium & Intuitive Consultant
Kelly Ballard is a fourth-generation Medium and Intuitive, as well as a Usui Reiki Master/Teacher. She has been working with Spirit for well over 15 years and herself to be the "channel" between you and Spirit. Kelly...
Awaken Your Third Eye What is your "third eye"? And how can you open it? with guest Dr. ...
Dr. Susan Shumsky will explore the third eye and help you open the third eye and develop super-sensory perception by various traditional and non-traditional methods, both ancient and modern.
Conscious Creation
This show is always about the latest channeled information in subjects of creation, energy direction, collective consciousness challenges, and self-love. Call in and receive channeled guidance on how to powerfully cre...
EVIDENCE OF ETERNITY with Psychic Lawyer Mark Anthony - Special 2 Hour Show - Part 2
EVIDENCE OF ETERNITY: Communicating with Spirits for Proof of the Afterlife is the newest thought-provoking book by Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer® which brings decades of experience, wisdom and spiritualstudy togeth...
Evidence of Eternity with Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer - Special 2 Hour Show - Part 1
EVIDENCE OF ETERNITY: Communicating with Spirits for Proof of the Afterlife is the newest thought-provoking book by Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer® which brings decades of experience, wisdom and spiritual study toget...
Conscious Creation
This show is always about the latest channeled information in subjects of creation, energy direction, collective consciousness challenges, and self-love. Call in and receive channeled guidance on how to powerfully cre...
No Longer Fear Death with Co-host Dr. Susan Allison
Are you looking forward to your life after death? Are you unafraid of this life transition, or does the idea of dying scare you? Join us on today’s show as Dr. Susan Allison shares her experiences in what she calls “a...
Awakened Living Radio with Co-host TJ Woodward - Remembering Our Wholeness
Author and spiritual teacher TJ Woodward and Dr. Pat discuss key points from TJ's book, Conscious BEING. Today's conversation will center around discovering methods for remembering our wholeness and awakening to our t...
Achieving Your Life's Purpose with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
The angels are a great support system for achieving your Life's Purpose. In fact, they are assigned to you with that accomplishment as a number one priority. If you are hitting bumps in the road, then you are being ...
The Pathway to Loving Yourself More Deeply with Dr. Kelly
Psychologist Dr. Kelly joins Dr. Pat to discuss the pathway to loving yourself more deeply. Where do our blockages to self-love come from? How do we find forgiveness for ourselves and begin to change our cycles of neg...
Conscious Creation
This show is always about the latest channeled information in subjects of creation, energy direction, collective consciousness challenges, and self-love. Call in and receive channeled guidance on how to powerfully cre...
Energy Frequency Readings: Intuitive Paintings with Dr Jenn
Dr Jenn is back with her artist tools for intuitive paintings of your energy field. An energy frequency intuitive reading with angelic guidance for positive changes. Now that we've experienced the recent frequency shi...
Find Your Special Gift - ArchAngel Michael Shows the Way Through Intuitive Life Coach and...
Devra believes everyone is gifted and it’s just a matter of finding that gift. Like learning to play an instrument, you have to want to play something then practice.
How Our Dreams & Premonitions Inform, Guide, and Heal Us with Author and Dream Expert Kel...
Dream analyst and author Kelly Sullivan Walden describes the powerful guidance we receive from our dreams and ways to tap into that guidance. She shares examples of some of the 101 miraculous dreams and premonitions c...
The Empowered Self Series with Co-host Dr. Friedemann Schaub - Does Your Inner Child Run ...
Have you ever wondered, why can certain situations or people bring up the same insecurities and anxieties that you frequently felt when you were much younger? You want to disappear when you’re about to give a presenta...
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Hosts: Dr. Pat Baccili, Dr. Friedemann Schaub
Guest: Dr. Friedemann Schaub
Conscious Creation
This show is always about the latest channeled information in subjects of creation, energy direction, collective consciousness challenges, and self-love. Call in and receive channeled guidance on how to powerfully cre...
Encore: Seven Cups of Consciousness: Change Your Life by Connecting to the Higher Realms ...
Imagine a life filled with happiness and purpose, where you are connected with the divine and perfect aspect of yourself, protected and guided by a loving angelic presence. Deep inside, you feel creative, passionate, ...
Encore: What My Soul Told Me with Author and Speaker Richard Barrett
The ultimate arbiter of were you have got to on your journey into soul consciousness is the quality of the connections you have with other people — not just your family, friends and acquaintances, but the strangers wh...
Relationship Transitions with Karey Keith of Majestic Insights Radio
Karey and Dr. Pat talk about how relationships grow and change as we do or not. It is important to honor yourself as you expand vs. holding back to fit into a broken mold. Learn how to honor these changes, create new ...
Conscious Creation
This show is always about the latest channeled information in subjects of creation, energy direction, collective consciousness challenges, and self-love. Call in and receive channeled guidance on how to powerfully cre...