Archived Episodes
The Dr. Pat Show with Guest Host Dr. Sandy Brewer: How do you turn lemons into lemonade w...
Award winning author, speaker and mood adjuster extraordinaire, Dr. Sandy Brewer, will bring her wit and wisdom, plus 35 years' experience as a counselor, to the subject of finding the sweetness of life even on a dar...
Transforming your life with Angel Power and The Angel Lady Sue Storm
You have all the power of the Angels at your fingertips Learn how easy it is to access their help. The many benefits can cover all aspects of your life: relationships, family, career, business, and even greater self-c...
Head to Heart - Mindfulness Moments for Every Day with Author Jenifer Madson
Mindfulness is the process of taking your awareness of life's ups and downs from your head to your heart and then no matter how joyful or painful the experiences may be embracing them and growing from them all. Join a...
"Spirit Recovery Medicine Bag - A Transformational Guide for Living, Happy, Joyous and Fr...
During those times when life seems empty and we're feeling lonely, lost, or 'less-than' or even struggling with addiction, it's often because our spirit has become squashed. We've disconnected or shut ourselves down. ...
The Happiness Choice Five decisions that will lead you to more happiness with Author Mar...
Marilyn's award winning new book, "The Happiness Choice," shows how and why happiness is crucial for business productivity and success, and for your physical, emotional, spiritual and financial health.
Kuan Yin is Real, Relevant and Relieves Personal and Planetary Suffering with David Chris...
Mercy is a flame to embody and emanate. Kuan Yin is revered in the East as a female Buddha who is the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion. She is also a manifestation of the Divine Mother, a model for the light of the div...
Be Irresistible Attract and Live Your Authentic Desires Colette Marie Stefan
We are in communication on H.S.N. Higher Self Network creating our reality 24/7 whether we are aware of it or not. We may as well have fun Join Dr. Pat and Colette as we join forces to lighten up and shift some seriou...
Spiritual Awakening After the Storm with Dr. Jenn Royster
Dr. Jenn shares spiritual insights on rebuilding your life after a traumatic event. There are countless stories about people who have spiritually awakened after experiencing a traumatic event, loss or during PTSD reco...
Internal Perfection with "I AM" ENERGY Specialist and Author Donn Smith
Donn will discuss the four needs: Love, Value, Freedom, and Safety with Dr Pat. More specifically what these needs look like through the lens of our experiences. Donn will touch on how all of these needs tie together ...
The Dr. Pat Show - Are You plagued with "Mind Sleep?" Chuck Gallagher on his new book - M...
Chuck Gallagher, author of Second Chances and host of the show "Straight Talk" has recently released his new book: Message from the Mountain currently rated 5 on the Healing and Spirituality list with Goodreads. Chuck...
Meet Your Spirit Guides with Karen Hager
We all have spirit guides, and they're here to help us navigate our path with greater insight and clarity. Intuitive guide Karen Hager is here to help you get closer to your guides, learn how to discern the messages t...
Radical Remission: The Nine Key Factors that Can Make a Real Difference with Author Dr. K...
Kelly Turner, Ph.D., a researcher and psychotherapist who specializes in integrative oncology, offers the results of her research on over a thousand cases of Radical Remission, people who have defied a serious or even...
Moving Out of Push and Into Flow with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
The angels help you move out of 'pushing your life' into beingin the 'flow of life'. With their help we can experience the calm. peaceful flow of joy and prosperity. Join the angels in their desire to help you l...
Heaven Time; Discovering a New Way of Life After a Near-Death Experience with Author Lorr...
Lorri is a Motivational/Keynote Speaker who tantalizes the mind, stimulates the heart's emotion, strengthens the foundations of faith, and inspires personal hope.
Make the Spiritual Connection with Co-Host Jennifer Farmer: Everyday Spiritual Connection...
Want to increase your happiness, develop psychic awareness and feel more connected to your life purpose? Join psychic medium Jennifer Farmer as she shares strategies for making the Spiritual Connection every day
Connections Radio Show with Co-Host Brenda Thyne: Meet Brenda - Your Connection to Transm...
Making way for Magic and Miracles
The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing and Infinite Love with Author Sheryl Glick
You are not alone. Understanding this spiritual truth allows us to expand beyond our fears and limitations to create a wonderful life. It is Sheryl's belief that we are guided by our "loved ones in spirit," who send u...
Co-Host Donn Smith: "I AM" ENERGY Specialist and Author Discusses Internal Perfection
Donn will look at the need "Freedom" and more specifically what Freedom looks like through the lens of our experiences. Donn will touch on "I am trapped" and how that effects our lives - "I am freed" which is positive...
The Powerful Impact of Near Death and Mystical Experiences - David C. Lewis's Own Story
Near death and mystical experiences have commonalities. They are both becoming popular topics for revealing what is our true nature and destiny. They are wakening experiences. David has experienced both multiple times...
Painted Intuitive Readings with Dr. Jenn
Dr. Jenn Royster brings color and life to her intuitive readings by painting them as she receives them. She has been connected with the angelic realm and spirit world her whole life and has never taken art lessons. Sh...
The Art of Healing Art: A Journey of Love, Light and Transformation with Jacqueline Ripstein
Learn how Inspirational messages and art aid us to reunite with our Higher Selves and Manifest the Light of Our Creator through every action.
Kristi Borst's Healing Resonance Busting Through Pain on Many Levels with a Perspective R...
Through her inward journey, Kristi Borst reconnected to what she calls her "Healing Resonance," an ability to assist people in healing on many levels...physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually...rapidly and ...