Archived Episodes
Are you tolerant of others?
Live Call-In Show- 1-800-930-2819 Watch Here:
Spiritual Connections for the Collective with special guest- Angie McCallister
Please join me and my special guest, Angie McCallister for an interactive, fun, and concious channeling experience. Angie has been opening up to her galactic spirit friends as they eagerly sp...
an Intimate Talk with Patrick & Patricia
This show has been a long time coming! I am so excited to get to share with YOU - my Divine Partner, Best Friend, confidant - my wonderful husband Patrick. Join us as we share how we were connected on...
The Orb Connection with Nancy Myers
Life comes with many challenges, and Spirit comes in many forms. Nancy Myers, orb medium, experienced immense grief, and through that journey communicated with the Afterlife and Spirit in her photography and connec...
Conversations with the Devil-A Look Into Possession
Join Psychic Medium Jaime and LaShawn The Luminous Mystic as they discuss a case they worked on in 2020, where they witnessed a possession and spoke with the devil. In this episode, they will explain how they prote...
Medicare Can Complement VA Benefits-Darin Davis and Mary Forey! Proper Use of Retinol-Dr....
Darin Davis and Mary Forey help guide you and veterans through the plans, benefits and process of The Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plan. Both Humana ...
Monday, November 13, 2023
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Darin Davis , Mary Forey , Dr. Dendy Engelman
Israel-Hamas War - The Spiritual Answer
This week we get right down to the biggest story in the news: the Israel-Hamas war. It's not about choosing sides – it's about recognizing that God is all, and acting in the light of that to help bring a...
Reflections and Memories with Veterans with Guest Kaitlin Bullock
Join us for Week 3 of the "Luminous Gratitude" series, where we explore the profound journey of "Reflections and Memories." In this episode, Deb is joined by Kaitlin Bullock, a compassionate yoga instructor sp...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Friday, November 10, 2023
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Drocella Mugorewera , Stephany Ann , Teresa Carnegie , Mariya Shiyko Ph.D.
Encore: The House and The Woods
Go on an exhilarating journey of self-discovery and empowerment with the remarkable Charcee Starks, the founder of 'The House and The Woods.' Charcee is an expert at curating life-changi...
95. Patient Urgency
Join us today as we embark on a journey to unravel the fascinating concept of "Patient Urgency." In this episode, we'll dive deep into the delicate dance between passion and patience, exploring why striking the rig...
You Are Your Own Twin
In this podcast, Gretta, Leigh, Carol and The Realm of Beings discuss the quote "It is important to accept every aspect of yourself." Watch Here:https:/...
Facing Chaos
What's going on in your life? Call 1-800-930-2819 for a reading with the Psychic and The Doc Watch Here:
Full Body System Wellness Coaching with Pam Bright
This episode is your opportunity to coach with Pam. She will be sharing her Full Body System Wellness approach to coaching for you. As you consider your own wellbeing and committin...
Tarot with Julia Gordon-Bramer
Julia Gordon-Bramer will discuss her new book, Tarot Life Lessons. Julia Gordon-Bramer is a professional Tarot card reader, scholar, award-winning writer and poet, and former professor for the Graduat...
Coping with Chaos
Are you feeling anxious and overwhelmed by the crazy violence in the world today? Do you feel like there nothing you can do to change what's going on around you? Do you feel like unexpected distruptions in your pla...
What do dreams really mean?
Check out this week's episode for a discussion about what happens when we dream and what you can do to live in a more conscious way – 24 hours per day.
Heartfelt Thanks: The Transformative Power of Gratitude
Dive into the warm embrace of gratitude with this week's episode, "Heartfelt Thanks: The Transformative Power of Gratitude." As the November chill begins to touch the air, it's the perfect time to kindle the fires ...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Friday, November 3, 2023
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Regina LaFrance , Rick and Jane McKinney , Saket Jain , Navi Bliss
94. Mandates of Maturity – Rules for a Fulfilling Life
Join us today as we dig deep into some tough conversations. Welcome to our podcast, where we delve deep into the intriguing world of maturity. I think most of us would agree on these mandates, but the question beco...
Soul to Soul Thursday with Mark and Dr. Pat
Live Call in at 800-930-2819 for All Souls' Day commemorating the faithful departed, those who have died and are believed to be in stuck, undergoing purification before entering Heaven. Time to set us all...
Healing Energy Transmissions and Channeling with Pam Bright
It is Autumn and November is the month of Gratitude. Pam will be connecting in with the energies of the month and inviting her Spirit Teams to join her for whatever information is relevant for you in the mont...