Archived Episodes
The Chintamani Crystal Matrix: Quantum Intention and the Wish-Fulfilling Gem with Johnden...
Exploring the many chintamani myths and legends from East and West, the authors explain how there are three types of chintamani: the mythical gemstone; the power crystals of history, such as the Koh-i-Noor diamond;...
Becoming Fierce- Creating a Bold and Beautiful Life with Stephanie James
A gentle and provocative book, stimulating considerable thought, and igniting the heart space, while providing the practical insights to build the inner strength and courage to overcome. Becoming Fierce is an aston...
Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle Deck and Guidebook with Lisa Estabrook
The Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle Deck and accompanying guidebook feature 44 powerful Soulflowers who wish to help you remember the simple truth that all of Nature is sharing—that we are cyclical beings...
Kornelia Stephanie Media Group: Healing Heavy Hearts ~ Replenishing Your Soul Cup Podcast
Healing Heavy Hearts ~ Replenishing Your Soul Cup Harnessing our power to make a meaningful contribution to the collective 10+ Strategies To Replenish Your Soul Cup -Look afte...
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Diane McClay , Annie McKinnon , Nadine Searle , Dr. Bob Saul , Julie DeLucca-Collins
Activate Your Cosmic DNA with Eva Marquez
Did you know that we all carry with in us the spiritual DNA of our cosmic family? In her new book, Cosmic DNA author and channel Eva Marquez will teach you how to discover your starseed lineage. Learn how to activa...
Unlocking The Ancient Secrets to Healing with Gail Lynn
Why science is looking to the past for the future of medicine. Call in to the show with your questions 1.800.930.2819
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Am I an Empath? with Special Guest Allyson Blythe
What is the difference between the feeling of empathy vs being an Empath and how you can find out more! https://www.fac...
24. Live Lighter Part 4 - The life you want is determined by how you show up
We are finishing up the live lighter series today on the last "clutter" I want to share with you and that is Behavioral clutter. I am going to bring some tough love to you today and I hope it is received with...
Death Is Continuous
In this Episode, Gretta, Leigh, Yvonne and The Realm of Beings discuss the quote: "Death is the process of continuous transitioning closer and closer to the Force until we recognize ...
Encore: Choosing your Empowered Life with Special Guest- Dana Pellegrini
I am super excited to bring in my special guest, Dana Pellegrini to this episode! She is my dear friend and client, as well as a true Soul Sister. Dana has been a lifelong student and teacher of awakeni...
Education Funding-Steve Rueschhoff!
Steve Rueschhoff discusses new study by Edward Jones on the importance of saving for higher education. Nearly half of Americans do not believe they are saving enough for education. Learn a...
Getting Heavenly Assistance from Angels with host Kornelia Stephanie and Special Guest, M...
Anyone can get Heavenly Assistance from Angels. It is easier than you think. Tune into this show as we discuss how Michael discovered how to speak and connect with angles and how you ca...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Having Fully Expressed Polyamorous Relationships with Elizabeth Cunningham
Do you believe that you have to sacrifice parts of yourself when creating relationships? When you get in relationships do you automatically assume that it's normal to hide different aspects of who you are? Do you h...
23. Live Lighter Part 3 - The Life you deserve, deserves your best story
We are continuing our living lighter series today by talking about 2 additional types of clutter. We have talked about Physical Clutter. That is the clutter that our best life is found under. Literally....
Dad! Are the original superheroes coming back?
Call 800-930-2819 to connect with Dad on our special fathers day show. Watch live on Facebook.
Down to Earth Psychic Medium meets Woo-Woo Queen with special guest- Veronica Drake
LIVE CALL-IN SHOW 1-800-930-2819 **** Get a reading, ask for clarity, receive healing**** Veronica Drake, international speaker, past life reader, and spiritual messenger joins ...
Building a Healthy Life with Karissa Adkins
In today’s world, It has become far too easy to put our own health and happiness on the backburner. However, with a solid game plan for success, a strong mindset, and a lifestyle full of healthy habits you to...
Love in the Time of Impermanence with Matthew McKay
Collaborating with his late son, Jordan, McKay offers five ways to keep love alive in a world of impermanence. He explores how to see and know what we love, how to actively care for what we love, how to have compas...
Encore: Spiritual Glam - Damn! with Guest Dr. Pat Baccili
Sharing Divine Guidance experience.