Archived Episodes
Spiritual Secrets with Tanya Robinson
Tanya Robinson, Founder and Owner of Falcon Book Publishing, discusses the Hermetic teachings of Franz Bardon and her quest to publish and share his works through her company. This includes elements, interpretation...
Author Special Guest - Stephanie James
Stephanie James is a transformational life coach and psychotherapist, dynamic public speaker, published author, and filmmaker. Nominated for Fort Collins Woman of the Year in 2014, Stephanie delivers her message in...
Intuition at Work: Trust Your Gut to Get Ahead in Business & in Life with Melanie Barnum
Discover effective strategies for manifesting money, increasing professional influence, bringing out positivity in others, calming your nerves, and trusting your instincts. Explore what matters most to clients and ...
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast - The Ripple Effect of Co-Creation with Kornelia Stephanie a...
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith The Ripple Effect of Co-Creation WE are the world Breakers. We are taking resp...
Modern Guide to Mudras: Create Balance and Blessings in the Palm of Your Hands with Dr. A...
Fill your life with grace and joy using one of humanity’s oldest forms of magic, meditation, and communion with spirit—mudras. Popular author Alexandra Chauran reveals that all the power you need is rig...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Spirit Marriage: Intimate Relationships with Otherworldly Beings with Dr. Megan Rose
An in-depth exploration of the practice, relevance, and purpose of spirit marriage around the world. Exploring the phenomenon of the spirit spouse or spirit lover--an entity to which a human is psychically bonded--...
13. The secret to success
I am excited to share with you today 2 big ideas that if mastered will change your life. You will experience so much more love, goodness, connection, purpose and fulfillment.&n...
Another Word for Oneness is Now
In this Episode, Gretta, Leigh and Yvonne discuss the quote: "Another word for Oneness is Now."
National Day of Hope to help you Cope
Call in for readings! 1-800-930-2819 Watch live on Facebook.
Language of Light Intuitive Energy Transmissions with special guest- Bryan Rawls
Please join Bryan and Pam once again as this dynamic duo bring in the cosmic energies that are ready for you to heal and empower your Spiritual Light Body. Bryan will be sharing what cosmic e...
April Angels bring Miracles with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
The saying is "April Showers bring May Flowers". The showers increase the growth of the flowers. April is also a month when Angels focus on Miracles. Prosperity Angels are all aligned with Spring....
Dreaming Our World into Being with Alison Normore (includes meditation)
What does the future of the Earth and humanity hold? How do we evolve in ways we choose? The indigenous knew what we have forgotten – that our very actions on the Earth are what propel us forward, how...
Encore: Divine Will versus Self Will - Is it that Simple?
One of our little guys favorite shows is how to Train your Dragon... hmmm looking at it deeper I see a whole new Show happening here on this Sacrd Mother Earth. I "Knew I shoud of, could of , would of.... b...
Author Special Guest Jane Duncan Rogers
Three years after Jane Duncan Rogers’ husband died, she published Gifted By Grief and readers response to this book led to her founding Before I Go Solutions®. This social enterprise trains p...
Tribes of Light: A Roadmap To Manifesting Miracles In Your Life with Adrienne Cobb
Did you know you have your very own personal Tribes of Light, guiding you in the best life path for you at all times? They are your greatest support system and love you unconditionally. They were with you when you ...
A Lantern in The Dark: Navigate Life's Crossroads with Story, Ritual and Sacred Astrology...
Learn how myth, folklore and story can be a source of guidance in difficult times. Illuminate the archetypal dimensions of your own story and re-enchant your life. Learn when to expect the crossroad times throughou...
Spiritual Freedom, Divine Love, and Easter Proved Ascension
In this month's compilation of the Spiritual Freedom Show: #38 'Don't let anyone delude you' – what can you do to find spiritual freedom in a world of lies?; #39 'Divine Love' – discover a key to your j...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Friday, April 1, 2022
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Tatiana Vilarea , Emily LaPrairie , Christine Miura , Amanda Monnier
Optimize Your Potential and Get Back Your Edge with Special Guest, Nita Kasan
On this week's episode of Living Heaven on Earth we will cover: The state of health in the United States at this time. What are Ketones and what is Ketosis? What are Exogenou...
Beloved, know Thyself & the Goddess within.
This show will be about understanding the beautiful connection with oneself - Body, mind, spirit and soul.Sandra says, "when you can understand and accept all parts of yourself, you will know true fre...
12. The Anitidote for Worry
Join me today as I share with you the antidote for worry. If you missed my previous podcast on worry I broke down what worry is and why we worry, I also gave you some strategies on how to reframe it. In...