Archived Episodes
Boundaries 101 with Allyson Blythe
Do you have Boundaries? If not, how do you start setting boundaries for yourself? Watch live on Facebook.
The Year Ahead 2022 with Guest Susan Miller
Interview with Lifestyle Astrologer Susan Miller on "The Year Ahead 2022" Watch live on Facebook. www....
Episode 9: Women Who Radiate Wealth with Kornelia Stephanie and Susan Axelrod
Welcome to the Women Who Radiate Wealth Podcast –where we show up as we are and Have fun in Business. Our focus is on Women’s Entrepreneurship where we Empower Female Entrepreneurs. We share with you fi...
Stepping Into Feminine Divinity (Part 4) with Kornelia Stephanie and Meena Puri
Join Kornelia Stephanie and Meena Puri as we continue the conversation on what it means to step into your feminine Divinity. In this podcast we talked some specifics on what it means to be in you feminine energy. O...
Meet Relationship Experts and Power Couple Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC
Dr. Pat welcomes her guests Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC to her show for the first time. Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton will tell us about their book, A Blessed Affair, Tips to staying Married 4 Life...
Faith is her Lifeguard, Hope is Her Strength and Self-love is Her Cure
In 2010, Michele’s health became life threatening. Shortly after climbing a steep mountain to save her life, Michele thought about ending her life. ...
Stepping Into Feminine Divinity (Part 3) with Kornelia Stephanie and Meena Puri
A podcast Episode with Kornelia Stephanie and Meena Puri A major part of stepping into your own divinity is to peel away the definitions, the limitations, the meaning imposed on women for centuries. This is no easy...
Episode 8: Women Who Radiate Wealth with Kornelia Stephanie and Susan Axelrod
Welcome to the Women Who Radiate Wealth Podcast –where we show up as we are and Have fun in Business. Our focus is on Women’s Entrepreneurship where we Empower Female Entrepreneurs. We share with you fi...
Grief and Gratitude during the holidays
We’ve all had moments where we felt like we didn’t belong, felt left out, and the excruciating pain of loss of a loved one. There are many books written about what to do with grief, loss, and pain. Tune...
Medicare Open Enrollment Deadline December 7-Dr. Seshamani! 250 Vital Things Your Cat Wan...
Dr. Meena Seshamani discusses everything you need to know about the Medicare Open Enrollment period. Comparing plans can save money. Medicare Open Enrollment ends December 7th. Ingrid Newkirk discusses her ...
Interview with Larry T. Robinson
3rd Wednesdays 4pm PST / 7pm EST The Brilliant Black Man show is created to bring to light the success stories of black men all around the world. It is the mission and goal of Melissa Johns...
Journey with The Holy Spirit with Guest Dr. Lisa Kohut
Dialog with Dr. Lisa Kohut about her journey with the Holy Spirit! Watch live on Facebook. www.faceboo...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren...
Are you afraid of sales, or struggle with pricing your programs?
My guest, Danita Sajous, is living a life that she never thought possible She literally has to pinch herself every day...
NDE’s and the Military with Guest Dr. Diane Corcoran
Near death experiences and how this affects military and their families. Watch live on Facebook. www.f...
Spirit Partners For Life Episode 2 - Honoring Native American Spirituality with Special G...
Spirit Partners For Life is an ongoing monthly series Co-hosted by Pam's husband David Buck, this will be a rich conversation between Pam, David, special guests and y...
The Desire Factor: How to Embrace Your Materialistic Nature to Reclaim Your Full Spiritua...
The Desire Factor, which offers the tools for you to find happiness, abundance, and success! The Desire Factor proves that desire is the force behind every act of creation, and it is the mechanism through which eve...
Healing: A Story of Oneness
One thing that our world needs is oneness and that can not happen if we continually can not stand our neighbor! Love does start with us but what happens if we have been harmed by our neighbor? What do w...
Healing From Racial Trauma with Guest Dr. Lisa Collins
Race and racial relations play a role in every part of our society. Each person understands race based on their viewpoints and understandings, yet none understands how it all works. So when racial harm happens...
Scalar Light: The Promise of New Technology with Tom Paladino
Scalar Light is a new and emerging science, and people must first be educated as to the benefits of Scalar Light healing. Scalar energy is also known as prana, chi, radiant energy, zero point energy, qi, or...
The Slow Down. Simple and Deep.The need for integration. with Kornelia Stephanie, Dr. Pia...
The Slow Down. Simple and Deep.The need for integration. We were designed to be much slower, to be contemplative, and take our time. It's time to go on a sac...
Breast Cancer Care-Moshkevich! Lung Cancer Surgery-Dr. Kim! ReWriting The Rural Narrative...
Solomon Moshkevich discusses genetic testing and new technologies that can provide insight to proactively inform treatment and improve outcomes for women. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Dr. Samue...
Monday, November 8, 2021
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Solomon Moshkevich , Dr. Samuel Kim , Erik Osberg , Cory Hepola