Archived Episodes
Tsunami of Uncertainty: Mommy, Mommy, where's my Swami
Mindsets, Motion, and Motivation....NOT when you are stuck in the powerless zone of uncertainty. Mark Anthony and Dr. Pat talk about the steps we can take to shift our mindset, perception, and emotion of help...
GOODWILL®: Connecting Veterans To Their Next Missions with Steve Preston
Goodwill Celebrates Our Heroes Year-Round by Connecting Veterans and their Families with Employment and Job Training Opportunities As Americans take time to honor those who have se...
Thanksgiving with Angels with the Angel Lady Sue Storm!
Annette is the Angel of Gratitude; she encourages thankfulness in various ways. Let her help you find ways to show appreciation for those around you and the good things that have happened this year. Angels want you...
Who is Crystal Blue Oracle? with Valerie Trujillo
Who is this Angelic Energy Healer and Artist Shaman Healer Sage Practitioner? Call in! 1-800-930-2819 Watch live on Facebook.
Dreaming Techniques with Serge Kahili King
Serge Kahili King has been studying dreams all his life. In his new book, the psychologist looks at the types of dreams we have, how to remember them and how to interpret them. He offers techniques for using our dr...
How to Have Grace-Filled Political Conversations with Sarah Stewart Holland and Beth Silvers
It's ELECTION DAY y'all and regardless of what side of the aisle you stand on I hope you voted. It's not just a right but a privilege and everyone's vote matters. If there ever was a time that we needed...
Grounding Into Your Radiance with Stacie Barber
Grounding Into Your Radiance: A space to dream, explore and reconnect to your essential self Watch live on Facebook.
Another Powerful Conversation with Rev. Dr. Stephany Rose Spaulding
My August conversation with Rev. Dr. Stephany Rose Spaulding was so fabulous, I invited her back for another one! Join us for enlightening discussions as we explore critical issues in this moment in our nation....
"Pleiadian Evolution & Ascension Guidance" on the Kornelia Stephanie show w/ Special Gues...
Laarkmaa’s Pleiadian Guidance on Evolution & Ascension, including advice on family, our changing reality, cosmic weather, healing and love, and the Ascension Diet.
It's Possible to Achieve Inner Peace and Permanent Happiness NOW, Even In These Uncertain...
It's Possible to Achieve Inner Peace and Permanent Happiness NOW, Even In These Uncertain Times with Amelia Love Super Coach
Now is the Time to be Your Own Superhero with Susan Axelrod
You were born for these times; you're born to shine, and now is the time to stand out. Don't wait. Be your own superhero.Be true to what calls you, and risk everything to fulfill it. Kornelia Stephanie Empowerment ...
The Practical, Paranormal, & Power Unleashed Part 2
Part 2 - There are shows with psychics and there are shows with doctors,but there’s no show like “The Psychic and the Doc! Your Practical Paranormal Power Unleashed.” This epidsode introduces you ...
The Practical, Paranormal, & Power Unleashed Part 1
Part 1 - There are shows with psychics and there are shows with doctors,but there’s no show like “The Psychic and the Doc! Your Practical Paranormal Power Unleashed.” This epidsode introduces you ...
The Ultimate Guide to Aromatherapy with Amy Galper
Written by two of the leading voices in aromatherapy, The Ultimate Guide to Aromatherapy is a progressive, comprehensive approach to using aromatherapy and essential oils for healing and wellness. Drawing on the au...
The Complete Book of Dreams with Stephanie Gailing
The Complete Book of Dreams offers holistic techniques to harness the healing potential of your sleep and dreams. Uniquely written as both a reference and guidebook, it features an abundance of inf...
Becoming Toxic Person Proof with special guest Sarah K. Ramsey
How to rebuild and rebrand your life after a toxic relationship, keep yourself safe and learn how to keep your kindness from being used against you. Watch live on Facebook.
Get Glowing: Birth of Your Katana with Christine Clark
Introducing Coach Christine Clark through Forging A Life. How her experience & life mirror Forging A Life validating her as the expert on what it takes to forge your life for joy, abundance and success.
Unreasonable Joy: Awakening through Trikaya Buddhism with Turiya
Unreasonable Joy contains proven techniques that the author, Turīya, has taught thousands of people. The nine lessons explore the power of meditation, mindfulness, karma, emotions, and humility. Turīya pro...
Is disrespect killing your LOVE? with Nancy Landrum
How learning respectful communication and conflict management restored our love. Watch live on Facebook.
Early Thursday-Cunningham! Hispanic Talent-Montez! Covid 19 & Holidays-Dr. Gates! Diabeti...
Linda S. Cunningham on the 63rd anniversary of Hurricane Audrey discusses a new novel depicting the deadly storm's fury: Early Thursday: A War, A Hurricane, A Miracle! Richard Montez raises awarene...
Monday, October 26, 2020
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Linda Cunningham , Richard Montez , Khalilah Gates MD, Dr. David Eichenbaum
"How to Prepare for the Holidays" with Dawnette Palmore and Special Guests
The last quarter of the year has a lot of holidays and celebrations in it. They kind of sneak up on us. But the reality it that they come the same time every single year and most of us are not prepared for them. Th...
Friday, October 23, 2020
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Co-Host: Dawnette Palmore
Guests: Lamar Mayton , Heather Steinker
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Friday, October 23, 2020
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Shanta Ranee , Dr. Mrinalini Garv , Michelle Tatum
Modern Madness: An Owner's Manual with Terri Cheney
Cheney flips mental illness inside out, exposing the visceral story of the struggles, stigma, relationship dilemmas, treatments, and recovery techniques she and others have encountered. Sometimes humorous, sometime...
Shine Brighter Every Day: Nourish Your Body, Feed Your Spirit, Balance Your Life -Part 2 ...
Shine Brighter Every Day is a way of thinking, a mindset. It is not a diet. Danah Mor has created an easy-to-follow, no-nonsense guide that combines scientific and holistic advice to allow you to become your own fo...