Archived Episodes
The #1 Thing You Need to Master to Attract in All the Abundance
I will breakdown the #1 thing you need to master to attract in all the abundance you desire with a practical 5 step process.
Are You Letting Your Story of Lack and Scarcity Define You? Are You Ready to See the Truth?
Do you continually bring your past experiences around money into the present moment? Are you recreating the same pattern around money over and over again? Are you ready to break out of scarcity energy and into the ...
Healing Ancestral Money Programs
Do you feel like you've done a ton of mindset shifts around money and still haven't received the breakthrough you desire? Do you feel a subtle background anxiety around money even though you consciously know there ...
Listener Questions - Continued
As we've done from time to time, we'll continue to address listener questions.
Are you afraid of never having enough? Are you afraid of running out of money no matter ...
The Millionaire Imprint for Women is about activating financial empowerment for all people and most especially women. On this show today we will talk about diving deep into the self and seeing what needs to...
Dare to Dream Bigger. Call 1-800- 930-2819 and tell us your Big Dream.
Most people don’t dream big enough. It’s time to change that. This show will be about answeri...
How to increase your worth, your value and stay committed to embracing your financial abu...
We are all pioneers of the new world and have been working our assess off to release our lower self from the matrix of human survival and live from a High Self Worth which equals a High Net Worth.
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Momo Yasutake , Susan Glavin , Samantha Brown
The biggest mistake people make when trying to become wealthy with Momo Yasutake.
Momo Yasutake will talk about the biggest mistake that people make when trying to become wealthy and break down exactly how to hack the system. ...
Finding Yourself through Retreats with Liesel Albrecht.
Retreats are about beauty, a beauty that comes from within the heart. They are about a deep connection to yourself, to others and the world.
Abundant wealth with Susan Glavin? Call into the show at 1-800-930-2819
Our energy is one of our most valuable resources. Do you know where your energy is flowing, and to what in your life?
Money Miracles - The New Paradigm and Consciousness around Money with Samantha Brown
Are you ready to feel happier and lighter around the topic of money? Do you feel that you have a huge calling and don't know how to create money with your Soul Gift? Have you reached a glass ceiling around your ear...
Financial Literacy for Women. How do I get out of this money mess?
Why did I create and launch the Millionaire Imprint for Women? I'm activating a new movement about financial empowerment. To inspire Creatively Wild Women to rise rooted in spiritual and material abundance. W...
"The Millionaire imprint for Women”
"The Millionaire imprint for Women” Is activating a new movement about financial empowerment. With Kornelia Stephanie. Susan Glavi...
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Susan Glavin , Samantha Brown , Momo Yasutake
Partial Will and Total Will: what are they and how does this affect us?
We all know we have 'free will' but at the same time we come with our 'destiny': how are the two related? What role does Karma play in all this?
Human Potential – an amazing look at potential that’s shocking!
We are taught to believe that human potential comes from successful programing in a focused and intense way! But we see it much differently. If programming has not worked for you and the resulting shame has made yo...
"How to Survive the Murder of a Loved One" with Dawn Diviniste
"How to Survive the Murder of a Loved One" with Dawn Diviniste Part Three. The story continues… "How to Survive the Murder of a Loved One" with Dawn Diviniste I’ll be d...
Manifest what you want with Kornelia Stephanie. Call 1-800-930-2819
The #1 reason people don't get what they want is they send mixed messages about what they want to the universe. Being clear about what you want to manifest is key. Call into the show today and have Korn...
The Balance of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine with Kornelia Stephanie and Rober...
To Become Equals we must first balance the masculine and feminineenergies within us. We must detach from the mind and use our feelingsto tap into the eternal love that is there. We are the pioneers that...
Magnetic Fields: how do they work?
There is talk about magnetic fields: how are they formed? how do they interact? what do frequencies have to do with it?
How to Survive the Murder of a Loved One" with Dawn Diviniste
The Universe works in funny ways. Universal humor dichotomy. I’ve met people in my life in the last 6 years that have prompted me to share my story... “How to Survive the Murder of a Loved One.”
Claim your Authority. Call into the show. 1800-930-2819
I change people’s lives by helping them become the authority of their own lives. If you are not the authority somebody else is. In this evolutionary time you are in, you may be feeling insecure about shining ...
The Domino Effect
What are the effects of our actions? Our decisions? What kind of impact are we making on our lives/others' lives?
Project Heaven on Earth with Martin Rutte
Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily is a ground-breaking book. In it you&rsquo...
EVERYTHING IS ENERGY, VIBRATION, AND FREQUENCY. It’s my honor and pleasure to assist anyone who wants to call in and receive support in moving thr...