Archived Episodes
Spring into Summer with Pride
Call in with a question or for a reading at 800-930-2819 Watch
Losing 400 Pounds, A Spiritual Transformation, With Guest Steve Kumerow.
Searching for inspiration? Look no further. In this episode Steve Kumerow, an old friend of mine, speaks openly about how he went from near death to losing 400 pounds in just two years&rsq...
The Summer of Love
June 1 is the 56th anniversary of the Beatles iconic album "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band." That changed rock music forever and also kicked off the famed "Summer of Love" in 1967 which was all about peace, ...
Real talk What the World is talking about. Country divided
With the World Awakening all around us, an actual Spiritual Awakening among half the people and the other half Blinded and not seeing it causing a divide amongst family and friends across the World. Watch&n...
Are you tired of being called crazy? Are you an outcast around friends and family?
Awakening of your soul, and feeling alone, due to your ability to see what true reality is, how you've been lied to all your life. You feel disconnected from so many, but no worry you're not crazy, you're just awar...
Besting Yourself: Gaining Power-Ishi Nobu! Dangers of Keeping Unwanted Prescription Drugs...
Ishi Nobu discusses his book Besting Yourself: Gaining Power! Writing extensively on science and scientific spiritualism, this self-help book cuts to the chase, revealing what your mind ha...
From Loss to Learning to Live Again and Honoring Each Step of the Way
In this episode, I have the privilege of discussing loss, grief, and transformation with Julie Hightman, author of “Why Birds Sing at Dawn” and “The Weighted Feather&rdqu...
Encore: Spiritual Glam - Damn! with Guest Dr. Pat Baccili
Sharing Divine Guidance experience.
Seek The Truth About Yourself
In this Episode, Gretta, Leigh, Yvonne and the Realm of Beings discuss: "Look beyond the supposed faults of others and seek the Truth about yourself."
Healing Doesn't Have To Be Hard, but it Should be Transformative with Special Guest, Agne...
Let's face it, we've ALL been through challenges. How we decide to respond is what sets us apart - the journey to finding the healing that works for you. In this episode, we'll be diving...
Own Your Magic
How to use spiritual principles and practical tools to transforms your story to glory!
The Relevance of Now with William Linville
Explore the many facets of Yourself, Your Heart, Your Thoughts, Your Emotions, Your Beliefs Systems and Your True Identity with new clarity. Let yourself expand beyond old thought patterns and prior experience, int...
Radical Regeneration: Sacred Activism and the Renewal of the World with Carolyn Baker an...
Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker explore how Sacred Activism--specifically, creative, wise, sacredly inspired action--offers an antidote to the crises facing our world. They show ho...
Mind, Body, Spirit – Add Energy, and You Have It All with Dr. Sharon Martin
Healing is often broken down into components – mind, or body, or spirit. Underlying all of these is Energy. How can we shake up an old pattern (physical or emotional or spiritual) and get something new,...
911 Tour Soul with Jeanine Thompson
Leveraging her own powerful story and those of her clients, Thompson introduces us to seven key spiritual principles-The Soul Solution-that empower us to answer the call from our Soul and unleash our highest potent...
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!!!
What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving?
What is Happening with Divine Guidance? with Special Guest Patricia McNair
Connecting with Patricia of Divine Guidance!
Encore: What are your amazing ways to choose happiness!
Here are some thoughts gratitude, volunteer, giving, encouraging, reminiscing!!!
Angels create Success with The Angel Lady Sue Storm!
Success in all ares of life is what the Angel's definition of Prosperity. So if you want prosperity and success, the Angels to call on will be George for success and Katrina for prosperity. The Archangel for prospe...
An Unconventional Conversation About Gratitude
What do you use gratitude for in your life? Is it a way to build relationships with others? A way to increase your confidence? A practice for self-love? Drop any preconceived ideas or underst...
Encore: Desire: A Path Towards Liberation with Claire Rumore
Claire Rumore is a coach, counselor and professional confidant for men, women and couples who come to her deeply desiring to understand themselves as multidimensional sexual, spiritual, and relational beings. She i...
How Love & Compassion Are The Secret Ingredients For Transformation
The Heart Leader Podcast guest this week, Natalie Ehmka, has a unique approach to connecting individuals from the heart. She's a specialist in transformational energy coaching and the founder of With Heart Energy C...
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie and Special Guests, Dr. Pia Orleane ...
Join us for The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie, Dr. Pia Orleane, and Cullen Smith! Paradigm Shifting. A time of transmutation. Portal and Impact of the Venus Star. Creating ...
From Pain To Pleasure with Katrin with Love
Ever wonder why we often experience a form of pain in order to feel pleasure? It's one of the mysteries we have to uncover in this world. Is it necessary? Is it inevitable? Or is it just our minds playing a game wi...