Archived Episodes
BAD LOVE TIGERS with Kevin Schewe
Bad Love Tigers is an action-adventure, sci-fi screenplay based on the original story & novel by Kevin Schewe! Kevin Schewe’s Bad Love Tigers has taken the world by storm as it ...
The Inner Dawning of Yourself Opens You to Health, Peace, and Prosperity
QUOTE: Open yourself to who you truly are and relish in the experiences of wonderful health, flowing peace, and opulent prosperity. DESCRIPTION: Participate fully in the adventure of life....
Embrace the Unknown: The Incredible Benefits of Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
It's time to take control of your fears and hesitations and step out of your comfort zone! Watch this video for nine tips that will help you embrace discomfort and progress in new directions. Plus, there are 8...
Dream Me Home-Laurie Elizabeth Murphy! Houdini's Last Handcuffs-Charlie and Cheryl Young!
Registered Nurse and Psychotherapist Laurie Elizabeth Murphy draws from her own experience working in the field to create a uniquely intellectual and entertaining mystery in her new book, Dream Me Home.
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Laurie Elizabeth Murphy , Charlie Young , Cheryl Young
You Are an Adventurer
In this Episode, Gretta, Leigh, Yvonne and The Realm of Beings discuss the quote: "Jump, jump, jump for joy and revel in the mysteries of your life. Embrace them as an ...
The Devil's Calling by Michael Kelley! Hidden Toll of Insomnia with Dr. Charlene Gamaldo
Michael Kelley discusses his love for literature and the importance of the self-realization theme in his new book. The Devil's Calling is the 2nd novel in the sci-fi, acti...
Transcending Fear & Suffering Through Empathy With Akshay Nanavati
Is it possible to suffer well? Can we transcend fear, stress and anxiety to enhance our internal motivation and reach our own human potential? Veteran, Explorer & Author Akshay Nanavati w...
The Way of the Wild Goose: Three Pilgrimages Following Geese, Stars, and Hunches on the C...
A pilgrimage-turned-adventure story in pursuit of a pagan mystery on the Camino de Santiago across France and Spain. "In Dr. Beebe Bahrami’s The Way of the Wild Goose, a mystery, the wild feminine, and t...
Your Book, My Time, Episode 24, with Guest Author, Judy Bloomberg
In this episode, Susan speaks with Guest Author, Judy Bloomberg, who shares her book, Always a Traveler, Never a Tourist: In Search of People and Places on the Road Less Traveled. Podcast host Susan Axelrod...
Unplug and Recharge
We all need to take some time away from our electronics; to unplug and recharge. Seems easy enough but in today's busy world, it can be a challenge for many. Join Erica Gifford Mills as she d...
Vacation Getaway-Neil Hodge! Covid-19 Vaccines for Children-Dr. Zerr! Men's Health-Dr. Br...
Neil Hodge shares his favorite destinations and why they shoul be on your trip itenerary. New Brunswick, Canada, offers American travelers a thrilling getaway close to home. Adventure awai...
Friday, March 25, 2022
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Neil Hodge , Dr. Danielle Zerr MD, Dr. Judson Brandeis MD
Ultimate Adventure - everyone should do but most won’t!
Throw out your bucket list! No more resolutions! We’re going to talk about the ultimate adventure that most people must pursue but almost nobody will do! The reason this adventure is so important to you is be...
Bad Love Medicine with Kevin L. Schewe, MD, FACRO
Critically acclaimed sci-fi series does it again with Kevin L. Schewe's new book! Bad Love Medicine packs thrilling, early 20th century history with a romp through space and time. Russian spies, Nazi plots, alien p...
Vaccines for Children-Dr. Wells-Jarrett! Eye Health-Dr. Gabbay! Teens Mental Health-Dr. O...
Dr. Estonna Wells-Jarrett shares information regardint the Covid19 vaccine. She discusses the availability in your area and potential risks and benifits, efficacy and safety information. F...
Monday, May 31, 2021
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Dr. Estonna Wells-Jarrett , Dr. Doug Olson , Dr. Robert A. Gabbay MD, Alex Teixeira , Andrea Berryman
The Ultimate Love!
Self love is a cliche because many talk about it but few really understand what it is! Most see it as a mild form of self-indulgence and pampering but frankly that&r...
I Am God In Disguise-So Are You with author Craig Kolavo!
Craig Kolavo discusses his book I Am God In Disguise-So Are You and the inspirational message he would like to convey. It's time for a spiritual revolution! God in Disguise Media Quest...
Muddy Roads Blue Skies: My Journey to the Foreign Service, from the Rural South to Tanzan...
An Unforgettable Journey from Rock Bottom to the Top of the World. Muddy Roads Blue Skies is Vella's inspiring, deeply personal account of her amazing journey from the backwoods of Georgia to the far reache...
Courage, healing and empowerment with a Hollywood stuntman and former U.S. Marine Steve C...
How to have the courage to face your fears through vulnerability and emotional fitness. Redefining masculinity by honoring the duality of the masculine and feminine. Building resilience and happiness through advent...
Adventuring Your Way Through The Crust
Dr. Pat Baccili talks with Mark Altman about how living a lifestyle filled with adventure can lead to a healthy, positive life.