Archived Episodes
Women in the Zone with Special Guest Jim Fannin
May 18th in-preson and online - LIVE A LIFE OF SIMPLICITY, BALANCE, AND ABUNDANCE! Dynamic speakers, Q & A with the Audience, Game Changing Tools for Living in the Zone! with Dr. Pat Baccili and Ann Gro...
New Beginnings
In this Episode, Gretta, Leigh and Yvonne discuss the quote: "If you do not want to continue to experience something, then, change your thought and use different emotions to trigger ...
The Crap or The Kit? With Miss Chrissy D
If there is one thing I've learned it's no matter how good life is, it can change instantly. As woman we need to learn how to protect ourselves so that when something happens we will still be ok. Learn from my mist...
Be The Voice for Change
In our rapidly changing world, it serves us to embrace change as we redesign our lives and our world. While we know change can be uncomfortable, it does not have to be when there is a willingness to communicate wha...
Friday, June 21, 2019
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Nina Hall-Curtis , Debbra Lupien , Autumn Seibel , Susan Axelrod , Carlenia Springer
Treasure Hunt - Follow Your Inner Clues to Find True Success with Silicon Valley Entrepre...
Have you ever wished you had a wise old mentor who could tell you where to go next in your career or your life? An “Obi-Wan Kenobi”-type figure who could not only offer specific advice on handling day-t...
Change Your Energy, Change Your Life with Joe Nunziata
Discover the keys to identify and clearing the unconscious negative energy that is holding you back in life.
4 Things You Can Use to Eliminate Limitation for Good & Transform Your Life with Co-host ...
Find out more about the Access Consciousness Workshop "5 Days to Change Your Life" that includes The Bars, Foundation and Level One with facilitators Dr. Glenna Rice and Dr. Andrew Gardella
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Co-Host: Dr. Glenna Rice
Guests: Dr. Glenna Rice , Dr. Andrew Gardella