Archived Episodes
Deep, Transformational Social Change with Guest Rev. Dr. Stephany Rose Spaulding
Join me for a inspiring conversation with my guest, the Rev. Dr. Stephany Rose Spaulding, a powerful Social & Political Commentator and Activist-Scholar & Founder of the Truth and Conciliation Commission as...
Transformation and Change in These Times, Part 2: A Conversation with Natalie J. Thoreson!
I am excited for my conversation with Natalie J. Thoreson, Invision Consulting, as we talk about the current national dynamics in this moment of incredible possibilities to show up as racial/social justice educator...
A Conversation with Dr. Robin DiAngelo, author of White Fragility!
Join me for an engaging, enlightening conversation with my fabulous guest: Dr. Robin DiAngelo, author of White Fragility, as we explore critical questions and the reasons why so many whites seem to resist efforts t...
Insights from Senior Diversity Officers: Keeping an Equity & Inclusion Focus in this Pand...
In these times of constant upheaval and unpredictable change, how can we keep a focus on equity and inclusion goals during this pandemic as we also plan for organizational success in the new normal? Join me for an ...
Insights from Senior Diversity Officers: Keeping an Equity and Inclusion Focus in this P...
In these times of constant upheaval and unpredictable change, how can we keep a focus on equity and inclusion goals during this pandemic as we also plan for organizational success in the new normal? Join me...
Start an Inclusion Partners Program: Develop Greater Critical Internal Capacity to Achiev...
In far too many organizations, executive teams and Diversity Councils feel stuck and unsure of how to manifest meaningful, sustainable culture change. All too often, they invest significant time and energy into pro...
Navigating These Turbulent, Unpredictable Times: Thoughts on Self-Care and Community Care...
In these unprecedented times of unpredictable turmoil and upheaval, how can we support our communities, our families as well as ourselves? How can we keep issues of equity, inclusion and social justice on the table...
Creating Racially Inclusive, High-Performing Teams with Special Guest Dr. Kathy Obear!
Are you seeing too many employees, particularly employees of color, leaving the organization through a revolving door? Overall, you may still have around the same numbers of colleagues of color, yet few stay very l...
Design & Facilitate White Accountability Spaces in Organizations: Develop Effective White...
Join me as I share more strategies for developing and facilitating White Caucuses/Whiteness Accountability Spaces in your organization designed to deepen the capacit...
Design & Facilitate White Accountability Spaces in Organizations: Develop Effective White...
Join me as I share my latest strategies for developing and facilitating Whiteness Accountability Space in your organization designed to deepen the capacity of white allies and change agents to partner with ...
Healing Marginalized Identities Working Toward Liberation Part 2 Facilitating Affinity Sp...
Facilitating Affinity Space for Subordinated Group Members! Join me for an engaging, challenging conversation with my fabulous guest:Dr. Tanya Williams! We’ll explore strategies and approaches to design &...
Healing our Marginalized Identities and Working Toward Liberation with guest Dr. Tanya Wi...
Join me for an engaging, challenging conversation with my fabulous guest: Dr. Tanya Williams We’ll explore ways to support our collective healing from the pernicious internalized subordination we members of m...
But I’m NOT Racist: Creating Impactful White Affinity / Accountability Spaces, A Conversa...
Has racial equity work stalled in your organization?Want to help create greater racial justice in your organization, but having troublefinding other whites who are truly committed to meaningful change?