Archived Episodes
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren...
Getting to the Truth about Addiction and Recovery with Guest Robin H. Clare
Join Dr. Pat as she interviews Robin Clare, Recovery Coach and Best-Selling spiritual author of Feast & Famine: Healing Addiction with Grace. Robin will share with us the spiritual perspective on the source of ...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. dStruggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories t...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories th...
How to survive the heartbreak of your drug addicted child with Nancy Landrum
What does loving your child mean when that child is making self-destructive life choices? How do you love your child when he or she is not lovable? How do you love yourself? Watch live on Facebook.
Dreaming Techniques with Serge Kahili King
Serge Kahili King has been studying dreams all his life. In his new book, the psychologist looks at the types of dreams we have, how to remember them and how to interpret them. He offers techniques for using our dr...
The Complete Book of Dreams with Stephanie Gailing
The Complete Book of Dreams offers holistic techniques to harness the healing potential of your sleep and dreams. Uniquely written as both a reference and guidebook, it features an abundance of inf...
The Sensitivity Code with Theresa Cheung
Life strategies for thriving in an overwhelming world! Call in! 1-800-930-2819 Watch live on Facebook.
Scripting the Life You Want: Manifest Your Dreams with Just Pen and Paper with Royce Chri...
In this step-by-step guide, filled with success stories and practical exercises, Royce Christyn details a simple “scripting” process for harnessing the Law of Attraction and manifesting what you want in...
Angels Love May Flowers with Special Guest The Angel Lady Sue Storm!
May flowers are the sign of Spring. The blossoms represent new growth. The Angels that work with personal growth and wealth rejoice at this time of year. Evenlyn is the Angel of Manifesting and the one that creates...
Insights and tips on how rekindle your passions to live the life you dream of with Dr. Dr...
What happened to you? I mean what happened to YOU…not what happened to you the wife or husband or you the mom or dad or you the employee… What happened to you the dreamer, the lover, the adventurer? W...
Work with Energy instead of Goals! with Special Guest Ulrika Sullivan
Another way to be wildly successful beyond your wildest dreams! Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.c...
How to Keep Going When the Times Get Tough
You may have the best dreams and intentions in the world. However, if you don’t keep going you will never reach them. What makes you stop working on a goal? What can you do differently to maintain...
Modern Dreamwork-New Tools for Decoding Your Soul’s Wisdom with Linda Yael Schiller!
Dreams are the most profound and puzzling activities of the soul, and each dream gives up its secrets in different ways. Modern Dreamwork is a hands-on guide to several different approaches for interpreting your dr...
The Energy Entrepreneur: Create Your Energy Biz Plan for 2020!!! with Dianne Solano
A New Decade and a Clear Vision means 2020 is the time to take YOUR BUSINESS PLAN to the NEXT LEVEL!!! Join us for Part 2 of the Energy Entrepreneur and create your 2020 Energetic Business Plan based on the RESULTS...
The Disembodiment Epidemic! Guest Host Peggy Willms with guest Rev. Stephanie Red Feather...
This week Rev. Stephanie Red Feather PhD…will introduce us to the concept of embodiment and why it is a vital component for manifesting our dreams and living life in full color. She will illustrate the dange...
"Do you have fear or Freedom with your finances?" With Dawnette Palmore
On this episode of the Kornelia Stephanie Show we are going to find out what kinds of fears people have with money and what freedom with their finances looks like.
What stops you? with Sharon Rolph!
Do you have enough courage? Courage to be unique, to follow our dreams and live your truth. How to strengthen our mental health and mindset to be our best. Watch live on Facebook.
"4 Stages of Business, 4 Steps To Wealth" With Rise and Be Rich
Business is hard and a lot of people fail, yet when you succeed in realizing your dreams it’s a beautiful achievement and fulfillment. Most people enter a business to fulfill a purpose, create wealth for them...
College Scholarship-Rodriguez! Senior Health-Klenfner & Switzer! PETA rescues-Leonardo! S...
Priscilla Rodriquez discusses the six key steps all students can take!Parents: Guide your kids through the college planning process the college planning process. The College Board provides tips...
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Priscilla Rodriguez , Carol Klenfner & Katherine Switzer , John Di Leonardo , Lee Abbamonte , John Sellers
Chakra Wisdom Tarot Readings with Tori Hartman! Part 2!
See Tarot through the lens of the chakras, helping you to shift outgrown ideas and beliefs! Call in For A Reading at 1-800-930-2819
Joy from Fear: YOU Can Create the Life of Your Dreams by Making Fear Your Friend with aut...
If you find yourself running away from fear, you're running in the wrong direction. Fear demands that we move toward it, face it, and hear its messages. When we fail to do this, the price is high-chronic anxiety, s...
Chakra Wisdom Tarot Deck with Tori Hartman!
See Tarot through the lens of the chakras, helping you to shift outgrown ideas and beliefs! Call in! 1-800-930-2819