Archived Episodes
Chakra Healing Therapy: Awaken Spiritual Energies and Heal Emotional Wounds with Glen Park
Glen Park examines each chakra individually on the physical, psychological, psychic, and spiritual level, as well as through the lens of the solar (masculine) and lunar (feminine) channels. The author’s syste...
Crystal Oversoul Cards: Attunements For Light Workers with guest Michael Eastwood
Crystal Oversoul Cards: Attunements For Light Workers! A card deck and guidebook set to help you access the higher energies of the Crystal Oversouls and accelerate the awakening process. Offering a hands-on...
It's Possible to Achieve Inner Peace and Permanent Happiness NOW, Even In These Uncertain...
It's Possible to Achieve Inner Peace and Permanent Happiness NOW, Even In These Uncertain Times with Amelia Love Super Coach
Dive Into The Raw Side Of Spirit with Psychic Medium Jaime
Do you have spirit in your life? What is spiritual evolution on the other side?
Understanding Anxiety and building Resilience through Mindfulness with Sabrina Wright
1 in 10 Americans suffers from some form of anxiety disorder, making it the most common mental-health concern for our current time. For many people anxiety and stress levels are high, and tensions are increasing. W...
Encore: Chakra Cards for Belief Change with Nikki Gresham-Record
A card deck and therapy tool in one, this boxed set offers 56 full-color cards to assist you in transforming your unhelpful beliefs and raising your vibration to begin creating the reality you desire. The cards fea...
Plant Spirit Reiki: Energy Healing with the Elements of Nature with Fay Johnstone
In this practical workbook, Fay Johnstone demonstrates how energy healers and Reiki practitioners can partner with plant spirit allies and the forces of nature for powerful healing for themselves, others, and our p...
Chakra Cards for Belief Change with Nikki Gresham-Record
A card deck and therapy tool in one, this boxed set offers 56 full-color cards to assist you in transforming your unhelpful beliefs and raising your vibration to begin creating the reality you desire. The cards fea...
Sacred Energies of the Sun and Moon: Shamanic Rites of Curanderismo with Erika Buenaflor
Mesoamerican shamans and practitioners of curanderismo divide each day and night into distinct periods based on the sacred rhythms of the sun and moon. In this hands-on guide, Buenaflor details shamanic rituals and...
A Stoked Approach to Activate a Worthy Mindset & Accelerate Business Growth with special ...
Drawing from a wide range of tools & practices from quantum physics, psychological & physiological benefits of enthusiasm (stoked), and laws of energetic vibrations to spirituality, I guide women through th...
The 12 RULES OF ATTENTION: How to Avoid Screw-Ups, Free Up Headspace, Do More and Be More...
Do you feel like you're "crushing it?" How productive, happy and fulfilled do you feel each day at your job? You might ask what attention has to do with it. The answer may help clear up and fix a wide range of ongo...
Are You Ready To Get Your Goddess Groove On & Be The Change Agent You Came to Be? with Sp...
The Call from Divine Mother to awaken, embody and be the bridge of light between Heaven & Earth. Watch live on Facebook.
Get to know Lisa Ann of and the host of the show MESSAGE DELIVERY! You can't make this stuff up
Divine Transmissions and Powerful Channelings to Radically Shift Your Consciousness with ...
Who is Lisa Marie -Shakti Ma? What does she do? What is Divine Transmission?
Small business - a new approach, dealing with chaos!
We have a revolutionary way to see business, especially small business as it’s own Ecosystem. This ecosystem can be affected by energies, directly using The Ec...
3 Tips for Holistic Living with special guest Carly Penfold!
Feel alignment, follow your soul path and receive support on your holistic journey. Watch live on Facebook.
The Celestine Prophecy, Interview with James Redfield
Join us for a journey into the Celestine Prophecy with best selling author, James Redfield. We'll look at energy, relationships, and how his concepts fit into this current time of change.
Handle the Lump, Heal your Life Part 14: Heal Sinatra Style: MY WAY for Radical Remission...
Is there really such a thing as “In Remission” or is it “Remember My Mission”? Remember that your DNA is unique to you, and so, spontaneous health and healing may not be so radical when you ...
Exceptional Healing Practices to Change your Life with Penny Price Lavin!
From One Light Healing Touch from Penny Price Lavin's new book, THE HEALING FIELD. We all need to learn how to use the higher energetics of energy practices and energy healing to help us release blockages, fears, a...
Encore: “Handle the Lump, Heal your Life Part 8” ARE YOU AN EMPATH? Christiane Northrup, ...
ARE YOU AN EMPATH? Y O U H A V E N ’ T B E E N C H O S E N Y O U ’ V E B E E N T A R G E T E D! Empaths carry a lot of light, and, on this planet, great light t...
Friday, April 24, 2020
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Co-Host: Dana Theriault
Guest: Dr. Christiane Northrup
Self Realization/Actualization, Authentic Sovereign Expression Part 3 With Kornelia Steph...
How to Navigate the Energy from Fear to Love. Are you up for a challenge? Transcending your fears into love Bringing your love into the present moment Turning the emotional tr...
The Energy Paradigm: From Friction to Flow with Dr. Victor Porak de Varna!
Have you heard about The Energy Paradigm? Everything is Energy! You too! Get ready to unlock the magic of life and learn how to shift from friction to flow in every aspect of your life. ...
Real Help with the Corona Virus with The Ecosystem Approach-Special Guests Jason and Patr...
Jason and Patricia are skilled Intuitives who created The Ecosystem Approach! They are able to see the root cause of the Corona virus and the reason it spreads! In this show they will work with Dr. Pat and the audi...