Archived Episodes
2025 Astrology Forecast
Celestial patterns offer insights for transformation and growth. Join Tonia and Evolutionary Astrologer Meredith McCowan as they highlight what is “written in the stars” for 2025. All five of t...
Create the 2025 You Want Through Intention with special guest Rev. Connie Stomper
Have you ever manifested what you thought you wanted only to find that it doesn’t give you the experience you’d hoped for? Do you set goals and find you feel like a failure when you don’t manifest...
"Stop Gaslighting Yourself into Staying" with Claire Baker
Have you ever overstayed your time in a job, relationship, at an apartment, in an organization, or anywhere else? In this episode, Claire Baker shares how she got out of her own way ...
New Beginnings: Setting Intentions for a Visionary Year Ahead
Welcome to the first episode of 'Peaceful Wellness with Deb' in January 2024, titled 'New Beginnings: Setting Intentions for a Visionary Year Ahead.' As we embrace the fresh start that the new year offers, this epi...
Discernment, Your Key to Authenticity
In this episode, I will be encouraging you to remember that you are a sovereign being perfectly capable of discernment. If your intention is to deepen your capacity for love, acceptance an...
Right Thinking – The Best Light in a Dark Universe
Just as we make shifts in our physical nature for Maximum Medicine, we need to make shifts in our mind. The clearer and more refined our thoughts, the more powerful our energy field and our success. Doc Mar...
Encore: Stop Living on Autopilot. Start Living on Purpose!
Are you going through life with the same basic routine, feeling like your life has no purpose? Over the last two years, many of us have been on autopilot, just going with the daily flow. You don’t want to do ...
Thursday, August 25, 2022
Co-Hosts: Courtney A. Kittrell, Dr. Pat Baccili, Courtney A. Kittrell, Dr. Pat Baccili
Harnessing Hope in Uncertain Times
There are some realities in our world that are painful to take in and difficult to live with. In the face of adversity, chaos, and change it is sometimes easier to numb ourselves, disengage from taking action on is...
Focus On Taking Care of Yourself
When was the last time you made some time for yourself? It could be to do something big, or even to do nothing at all. To often we are the last one to be prioritized. Self-Care is viewed as an indulgenc...
Enter The Maximum Mindset Matrix - Think It and Create It
Do you want more power and ease in your life? Pay attention to your mindset. The good, bad and the ugly of thought forms. When you hold a thought, you hold an energy. When you hold an energy, your path unfo...
Eliminate Burnout
Everywhere you turn right now, someone is experiencing burnout. And the chance is this includes you. As we get past COVID this should be a time of celebration and excitement. However, for most it is not...
Living an Intuitively Inspired Life…with Kimberly Barrett
How many of us run through life on automatic pilot, doing the same thing every day, not being fully present and feeling like life has no meaning for us. Many of us finding ourselves feeling blocked, stuck and like ...
Create new habits to change your life
A couple months into a year and if you are like most people, you have already given up on any goals you may have set for the year. Instead, have you found it is too easy to fall into old patterns and old habi...
Building Resilience During Difficult Times
The news is full of some awful things right now and we can find ourselves overwhelmed and triggered by the constant access we have to information. In a time of heightened emotions and very tangible stressors, how d...
Change your mind Change your life
It is crazy to think about 2022 is the third year of this crazy pandemic we have been living. When I think back to 2020 and how everything started and how things started shutting down. Then I fast forward to ...
Chasing the Future
There is so much striving in our goal-oriented, achievement-driven culture that it can be difficult to mentally and physically stop and be in the present. Many of us are chasing a future where we are waiting for ce...
Becoming in purpose on purpose with Guest Leah Roling
Title description: Choosing to Become in purpose on purpose is the most important decision you will ever make. Avoidance, Denial, Indecision comes at a cost. A cost I believe is too great. The ultimate cost is you ...
Make 2022 the year you chose to live thoughtfully
While some love to welcome in a new year with resolutions, and grand plans, on how you are going to make all these improvements. A new year can bring energy and excitement. You also may be the type of person ...
The Little Things
There is a beautiful quote that says, “Enjoy the little things, for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things”. In this episode of Get Big Out Loud we will explore the idea of &lsq...
The Power of Intention with Dr. Greg Hammer
Dr. Greg Hammer explains how setting positive intentions may relieve chronic diseases, heal emotional wounds, and facilitate success. What is my intention? We would be well served by posing this question to ourselv...
The Power of Intention with Dr. Greg Hammer
Dr. Greg Hammer explains how setting positive intentions may relieve chronic diseases, heal emotional wounds, and facilitate success. What is my intention? We would be well served by posing this question to ourselv...
Encore: From Vision To Purpose - David's Spirit Journey
In this first episode of our new ongoing monthly series Spirit Partners For Life, David Buck will talk about his spiritual Journey up till now and will include a follow up to the story of my stroke and coma s...
Day One: Starting With the End in Mind…with Special Guest Joan Marlow
7 Habits of Highly Effective People,’ by Stephen Covey, will always be the primer to finding your ‘true north,’ your personal direction in life and the path to achieve it. As we create our persona...
31 Days of Prayer with Special Guest Rev Tracy L Clark
This guide is set up for you to choose a pray for each day of the month. This guide is set up for you to choose a pray for each day of the month. Based on blessings previously shared with her community, Tracy offer...