Archived Episodes

Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

All or Nothing

In a society that runs on goals, achievement, and status it can be difficult to stop all the ‘doing’ and appreciate the ‘being’. Specifically, to acknowledge where you are on the journey whi... 

  Monday, May 9, 2022

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

Navigating the ‘New Normal’

Some people are calling this current time of change, the ‘New Normal’ however navigating it can feel anything but normal. What do we do when things that used to feel normal don’t feel that way any... 

  Monday, April 11, 2022

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

Building Resilience During Difficult Times

The news is full of some awful things right now and we can find ourselves overwhelmed and triggered by the constant access we have to information. In a time of heightened emotions and very tangible stressors, how d... 

  Monday, March 14, 2022

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

Chasing the Future

There is so much striving in our goal-oriented, achievement-driven culture that it can be difficult to mentally and physically stop and be in the present. Many of us are chasing a future where we are waiting for ce... 

  Monday, February 14, 2022

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

Magical Thinking

Do you ever knock on wood to keep something bad from happening or cross your fingers when you want something good to happen? Do you make a wish when you blow out candles and have an item of clothing or a thing that... 

  Monday, January 10, 2022

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

Living On Purpose

When we create something ... 

  Monday, December 13, 2021

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

Holding On and Letting Go

Part of our human struggle is to know when to hold on and when to let go. This struggle is usually centered in our belief system and periodically that system needs an audit. In this episode of Get Big Out Loud we&r... 

  Monday, November 8, 2021

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

The Little Things

There is a beautiful quote that says, “Enjoy the little things, for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things”. In this episode of Get Big Out Loud we will explore the idea of &lsq... 

  Monday, October 11, 2021

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

When you are yourself

Anger is a powerful emotion.  Everyone feels angry at different times for different reasons.  We may have experienced something we feel is unfair, or someone was disrespectful to us, or we felt we were un... 

  Monday, September 13, 2021

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

Borrowing Perspective

Seeing the world through someone else’s perspective is something we do when we read books, listen to stories, and watch movies. We also do it when other people share how they experienced something and we real... 

  Monday, August 9, 2021

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

Who am I now? Navigating the New Normal

The phrase ‘new normal’ has been popping up recently in the news and social media. It is a term meant to help us talk about our post-pandemic life. As our lives shift, restrictions lift, and more opport... 

  Monday, July 12, 2021

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

The Complexity of Being Stuck

At some point in our lives, many of us have the experience of feeling ‘stuck’. It could be an internal indecision or an external force that makes us feel that way. Maybe feeling stuck is about fear of c... 

  Monday, June 14, 2021

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

Comparison is a Thief

“Comparison is the thief of joy” is a quote often attributed to Teddy Roosevelt. It is a powerful quote about how comparing ourselves to others can be detrimental to our happiness. In this episode of &l... 

  Monday, May 10, 2021

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

The Struggle Is Real

We have now endured a year of the pandemic and many of us are struggling. We want things to return to ‘normal’ and we can see that we are closer to the end but we know that we are not there yet. We are ... 

  Monday, April 12, 2021

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

The Power of Our Words

What we say to each other, how we say it, and when we say it all matter. Words can be comforting, they can give us perspective, ease our pain, and affirm our feelings. In this time where our expressions are hidden ... 

  Monday, March 8, 2021

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

Finding Inspiration in Everyday Life

Sometimes inspiration feels hard to come by. The obligations and hardships we endure can make inspiration difficult to access and in challenging times it is easy to lose inspiration. When we get in those hard place... 

  Monday, February 8, 2021

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

What now? Ideas for living right-side up in a world that feels upside down

The recent events at the national Capitol have not only created physical damage, but also emotional damage to our collective psyche. What do we do now? How do we process the shared and individual trauma that we&rsq... 

  Monday, January 11, 2021

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

The gift and the challenge of complex thinking

There is a concept called ‘dualistic thinking’ that has to do with categorizing things in one of two ways, this OR that: as in good or bad, like or dislike, right or wrong. However, most of us have grap... 

  Monday, December 14, 2020

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

Optimize your emotions in extraordinary times

We are living in extraordinary times! Our lives have been impacted by the pandemic, the national conversation on race, the election, and the droughts and wildfires that are raging in many states. On top of this we ... 

  Monday, November 9, 2020

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

Optimizing your response to change

Many people have a hard time managing change.  We tend to resist it, bargain with it, fight against it, avoid it, make it harder than it needs to be or make excuses for why we can’t change.  Sometim... 

  Monday, October 12, 2020

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

What is it to be a human ‘be-ing’ in today’s world

What if you could stop doing and start be-ing? Have you ever had a hard time being present in the moment because you are distracted by other thoughts? What if you could stop trying to make things ‘better&rsqu... 

  Monday, September 14, 2020

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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The Dr. Pat Show: Talk Radio to Thrive By!

The Making of Get Big Out Loud with Kari Knutson

We are living in an intense time! A time of change, introspection, disappointment, heartache and hope.  We are looking at ourselves in new ways and asking ourselves what is possible...especially in today&rsquo... 

  Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Host: Dr. Pat Baccili

Guest: Kari Knutson M.A.

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