Archived Episodes
KAIRN: Mates of the Alliance’ with Fionne Foxxe Farraday
With its emotionally resonant cast of characters, KAIRN: Mates of the Alliance is a story of unexpected love found across light years and species, reminding readers how little differences matter in the face of true...
Trauma Informed Polyamory with Emily Iris
Navigating polyamorous relationships includes trauma and all other misconceptions along with it. In today's episode we will go around why polyamory needs to be trauma-informed...
How Love & Connection Can Be A Catalyst For Revenue Generation
Is it possible to be a loving person who leverages kindness in the marketplace AND make a good living? According to Revenue Strategist Kadena Tate it's not only possible, it's esse...
Relationship Needs and Edges with Veronica Puryear
Veronica (aka Indelicate Coaching) is a Certified SomaticaⓇ Sex and Relationship Coach and your guide for fierce and loving intimacy.
What Would We Have Done Without You, Dr. Pat? with Guests Julie O Rose and JoJo Rose
The Universal Alchemical Solvent: LOVE opened the Portal for Spacious Unknowing Network to be Hosted on Dr. Pat's Transformation Talk Radio Network. Our connection with Dr. Pat is life-changing every day for Julie ...
How to love our bodies and tune into our inner wisdom with special guest Martine Emmons
Gratitude for this beautiful vessel that houses our souls!!
Encore: Immersing in Compersion with Dr. Marie Thouin
New to non-monogamy? You might have heard the word compersion many times. It is a vital element in any relationship. In this episode, we will be immersing ourselves into compersion. Whe...
Trans In Love with Luckie Alexander
Luckie Alexander, the founder of Invisible Men, is a Transman who is an advocate exacting change that builds bridges within the LGBTQI community and cr...
Riding the Relationship Escalator with Michelle Hy
Michelle Hy is from Portland, Oregon and runs the page Polyamorous While Asian, which seeks to normalize non-monogamy and amplify the voices of oth...
Activate Your Cosmic DNA with Eva Marquez
Did you know that we all carry with in us the spiritual DNA of our cosmic family? In her new book, Cosmic DNA author and channel Eva Marquez will teach you how to discover your starseed lineage. Learn how to activa...
Education Funding-Steve Rueschhoff!
Steve Rueschhoff discusses new study by Edward Jones on the importance of saving for higher education. Nearly half of Americans do not believe they are saving enough for education. Learn a...
Having Fully Expressed Polyamorous Relationships with Elizabeth Cunningham
Do you believe that you have to sacrifice parts of yourself when creating relationships? When you get in relationships do you automatically assume that it's normal to hide different aspects of who you are? Do you h...
No More Silence - You Too Can Rise
Learn how to OWN your silent story! Martha will show us how it’s absolutely possible to turn your adversity into positivity with L.O.V.E.
Love in the Time of Impermanence with Matthew McKay
Collaborating with his late son, Jordan, McKay offers five ways to keep love alive in a world of impermanence. He explores how to see and know what we love, how to actively care for what we love, how to have compas...
The art of a good goodbye
Saying goodbye is something we do repeatedly over the course of our lives. We say goodbye to experiences, things, jobs, people, pets, relationships, homes, and loved ones. We have goodbyes that are planned and ones...
The Dance Between Ego & Soul with Claudia-Sam
Choosing between the mind and the heart, or in other words, between a life led from Fear and a life led from Love.
Who Among Us Has the Courage Advocate For ALL
Our world does not have to be one in which we do not care for one another. Hurt each other or spend time persecuting those who harm others. There are many people endlessly and tirelessly teaching, sharing, an...
Unlock Your Soul's Potential With Creativity
If you had a key to unlock your soul level potential, would you use it? We all have this amazing gift. The ability to create, to choose to bring something that didn't exist b...
How to love our bodies and tune into our inner wisdom with special guest Martine Emmons
Gratitude for this beautiful vessel that houses our souls!!
ANGEL FIRST AID TECHNIQUES with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
Improve your life through the use of Angel First Aid Techniques. These include visualizations and remedies for all facets of life--love, relationships, health, career, and finances. Allow yourself to be elevated to...
Your Life, Your Transformation with Christine Clark
Transformation is the name of the game of Life. Whether you want to deepen your love relationship, make that side hustle your primary endeavor, climb a mountain, write your book, or expand your business it requires...
Your Soul Level Workout - Compassion Calisthenics
We think a lot about working out our bodies, but how often do we consider working out our soul? If we consider our soul as another body, an extension of who we are, then consistently working ...
How to Achieve World Peace Thru Awesome Sex with Maggie Rast
Wow! What a bold and audacious claim! World Peace thru awesome sex? Is that even possible? What does that even mean? I mean, I want awesome sex but how does that bring about world peace? These questions are answere...
Lost Soul, Wise Soul: How Challenging Past Lives Shape Our Future with Karen Joy
Drawing on her most compelling client cases, Karen Joy shows you the natural arc of a soul's journey over many lifetimes, including violent or negative ones. She reveals how our souls begin, how we enter lives on e...