Archived Episodes

PURE Intuitive Talk with Trish Smith: Powerful, Unlimited, Resilient, Essence

Taming the Wild Mustang: Harnessing the Power of an ADHD Brain

Hello! Thank you for tuning in! In this episode, I open up about my experience with growing up as a child with ADHD, how being treated differently affected me and how I feel today about being neurodivergent. Are yo... 

  Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Host: Trish Smith

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Evolving Together with Christine L'Abbé: Beyond the diagnosis - into a new realm of possibilities

Slowing Down to Connect: Creating Optimal Learning Environments for Neurodiverse Children

  Are you struggling to create a supportive and enriching environment for your neurodiverse child? Do you feel overwhelmed by the pressure to constantly 'fix' perceived issues rather than celeb... 

  Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Host: Christine L'Abbé

Guest: Judith Dack

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