Archived Episodes
Artificial Intelligence Meets Healthcare with special guest Nathan Price, PhD
Learn About a New Approach to Healthcare That Utilizes Artificial Intelligence to Help Identify Early Signs of Disease
Cracking the Mindfulness Code: From Trend to Transformation
In this episode, we will explore meditation and mindfulness together. The word mindfulness has become trendy maybe even a bit overused. You might even feel like meditation is yet another thing to add to y...
How Sexy Consent Is with Dr. Shaun Miller
Sex or chocolates? It's always sex! As much as we enjoy sex let's try to learn the technicality of it. Dr. Shaun Miller is here to discuss the philosophy and ethics behind sex. Moreso, we are exploring the ro...
ERC- Extraterrestrial Research Center with Guest Rick Warner
Rick Warner discusses ERC-Extraterrestrial Research Center, and how to submit UFO sightings. Rick answers questions on the existence of UFO's and extraterrestrial beings, beliefs in alien species and starting his o...
Students learn Animal Compassion-Lisbet Chirboga! Advanced Melanoma Treatment Options-Dr....
Lisbet Chirboga discusses the importance of raising kind kids. PETA's humane education division, Teachkind, accomplishments show that students thrive academically when compassion for animals is in the curriculum. C...
Monday, May 23, 2022
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Lisbet Chiriboga , Dr. Jason Luke , Kyleigh LiPira
Origins of the Gods: with Gregory L Little
Origins of the Gods: Qesem Cave, Skinwalkers, and Contact with Transdimensional Intelligences! An Investigation into the Earliest Forms of Shamanism and Sacred Sites as Connections to Extraterrestrial Intel...
Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Path to Wellness with Wendie Colter
Are you a wellness professional experiencing burnout, frustration, and disillusionment with the current healthcare systems? Or are you a patient or client who is curious about seeking answers to your health i...
Accelerating EDI Efforts in These Times with Special Guest Dr. Kawami Evans
I am excited to welcome Dr. Kawami Evans, Director of Inclusion and Organizational and the Student Affairs Equity and Inclusion Strategist at the University of California Davis to the Show! We will explore ...
Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Images Released-Dr. Velkinburgh & LaPrevotte!
Dr. JC van Velkinburgh and Debra LaPrevotte discuss new evidence from the report and the ongoing release of scientifically-authenticated UAP recordings from the Genesis 2 Project. First Scientifically Authenticated...
100 of the Worst Ideas in History-Smith! Sepsis Experiments On Animals-Dr. Trunnell!
Michael N. Smith discusses his new audio book 100 of the Worst Ideas in History: Humanity’s Thundering Brainstorms Turned Blundering Brainfarts! Veteran entertainers bring you history like you've never heard ...
A Reason To Be with Norman McCombs
How does the past affect the present? How do the decisions our ancestors made centuries ago affect our lives now? What is our reason to be? These are all questions debut author Norman McCombs asks in his gripping h...
Ways to Go Beyond and Why They Work with Author Dr. Rupert Sheldrake!
To go beyond is to move into a higher state of consciousness, to a place of bliss, greater understanding, love, and deep connectedness, a realm where we finally find life’s meaning. Scientist and spir...
The Forever Angels: Near-Death Experiences in Childhood and Their Lifelong Impact with a...
Findings from two extensive research projects focused entirely on children. The first was done in the 80s and 90s, and concerned child experiencers between birth and 15 years – yet most of my cases were below...
Nat'l Moving MTH-Marklin! Public Service Recog WK-Fields & Egerton! Veterns-Dorn! Hurrica...
**MAY IS NATIONAL MOVING MONTH** MOVING 101: RELOCATE WITH EASE! Millions of Americans are planning a move this year. Where are they going? Luke Marklin, CEO of Bellhops shares tips on everything you need to know t...
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Luke Marklin , Elizabeth Fields , Jessica Egerton , Dr. Patricia A. Dorn , Dr. Michael Ventrice & Daniel Krook
Your Financial tightrope-Moen, What is Pulmonary fibrosis-Lederer, Workplace mental healt...
Financial expert insight on the inportance of lie insurance and top tips on achieving greater financial security with Goeff Moen. Making any kind of financial decision, including buying life i...
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Geoff Meno , Dr. David Lederer , Dr. Paul Grubel , Michelle Jackson
Winning Over Allergies and Asthma with Co-host Tonya Winders
Allergy & Asthma Network is the nation's leading nonprofit dedicated to ending needless death and suffering due to asthma, allergies and related conditions through outreach, education, advocacy and research. Tonya...