Archived Episodes
"Valuing Ourselves through Connection" with Dalglish Chew
We all want deeper, more authentic connections - but how do we create them? What if we viewed connection not as a matter of luck or circumstance, but an art that we can practice? In this episode, leadership coach a...
Unconditional Love & Lovability
In this episode, I share the concepts of unconditional love and lovability. Do you know that love and loving never hurts? Loving is the opposite of hurt. When we think we can protect...
Your Manuals Are Getting in Your Way
In this episode, you’ll find out how your relationship manuals may be creating problems for you / getting in your way. What are relationship manuals? They’re basically in...
What Your Future Self Knows
In this episode, you’ll find out how your relationship with your Future Self can be a powerful source of guidance and motivation for your Present Self. We’ll look at how ...
7 Key Parenting Skills & Handed Down Childhood Messages
In this podcast we will discuss seven key parenting skills designed to enhance self- awareness. Strengthening self- awareness will help bring the best of ourselves to parenting to help raise healthy, strong, confid...
Your Stories Are Getting in Your Way
In this episode, I talk about how so many of us have stories about our lives or about ourselves, which we base on facts and circumstances that have happened. The difference between f...
Being Indecisive = Safety?
In this episode, I talk about how many of us prefer to stay in confusion and indecision because it feels safer than making an actual decision. What? Well, have you ever found y...
Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life
In this episode, I talk about how our beliefs impact what we think is possible for us and our lives. I share why it’s important for us to be able to change the way we think abo...
Presence Stealer
In this episode, I share the concept that it’s not better over there than it is right here. What does that mean? When we’re focused on achieving our goals and we think th...
When You Try to Feel Happy All the Time
In this episode, I talk about the concept that life is 50/50 - 50% positive emotions, 50% negative emotions - and what happens when we try to deny the 50% that is negative. When we d...
How to Feel Better
In this episode, I talk about why emotions are important in our lives and how we’ve been taught to deal with them in unhelpful ways. We look at what we usually do with emotions...
Why You Keep Sabotaging Yourself
In this episode, I talk about the Motivational Triad and how the primitive part of our brains have evolved to survive. The Motivational Triad was helpful for survival, but not helpfu...
Who's Managing Who?
Many of us spend a lot of time managing things like our time, our money, our emotions, and our ever-loving to-do lists. In the face of all this managing, have you ever felt overwhelmed or exhausted? Or that instead...
How You're Getting in Your Own Way
In this episode, I share a self-awareness tool called The Model. Do you wonder why you try to take certain actions, but don’t end up doing them? There’s a thought that’s getting in the way. We&rsq...
Mindful Moments: Cultivating Self-compassion & Gratitude
In this episode, Dr. T shares practical insights and real-life examples, offering a down-to-earth approach to incorporating gratitude and self-compassion into your everyday routine. Dr. T emp...
Collective Stupidity – does it exist?
We’ve all heard about collective intelligence but is there such a thing as collective stupidity? As we look with more and more clarity using refined intuition and evolved consciousne...
Our Emotions are Intelligent with Meena Puri
Our recent FREE Masterclass Webinar Series on “The Intelligence of Emotions” were hugely successful and well attended. The wisdom shared is much needed for our time. It’s for this reas...
Transform Your Approach to Success: At Work, At Home, & Anywhere Else You Seek to Achieve...
Get Ready to Transform Your Approach to Success! Carol Scott is a coach, trainer, and keynoter who teaches that relationships are at the heart of all our success. In...
Self Realization/Actualization, Authentic Sovereign Expression Part 2 With Kornelia Steph...
TOTALLY TRANSPORTED. To another planet right here on earth, a higher state of mind. YOU/We are rewriting our history and beginning a brand new paradigm. A brand new consciousness, with no attachment to past program...
How Much is Too Much?
How do you know if you have a drinking problem or if you are misusing drugs or alcohol? Can you tell if you are overdoing it? What separates social drinking or drugging from abuse or addiction? Be brave. Take the q...
Focusing – I Came, I Saw, I Conquered!
Buddha said, ‘All that we are is the result of what we have thought’. Are we letting a web of loosely associated thoughts which carry emotional charges from the past govern our lives? Le...
Becoming a Great Leader People Want to Follow with Ian Graham!
Great leadership takes self-awareness, strong values and humility. Being a good manager doesn’t always mean you can be a great leader. Join Sarah in a conversation with her special guest—Ian Graham&mdas...
Joy from Fear: YOU Can Create the Life of Your Dreams by Making Fear Your Friend with aut...
If you find yourself running away from fear, you're running in the wrong direction. Fear demands that we move toward it, face it, and hear its messages. When we fail to do this, the price is high-chronic anxiety, s...
Journeying in to A Space of Allowing with Coach Nancy Coco
Bring your beginner’s mind and a sense of curiosity as we journey into a safe space, a connected space…a space of acceptance of our current state of being as we check in to mind, body, and spirit to be...