Archived Episodes
HOPE in action!
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Full Body System Wellness Program- What it is, why it is what is needed now, and how it c...
Happy January. Happy 2023. And happy human life. Yes, your life is really up to you. Even if you tend to fall victim to your life circumstances. The Full Body System Wellness Program s...
Dr. Diane Interviews Jenny Alzate on Integrative Psychotherapy & Inner Child Trauma Work
What is an integrative psychotherapist and how is this different from the traditional psychotherapist? As people are spiritually awakening we hear a lot about Living between the 3rd dimension and 5th dimens...
Tribute to Phangisile Mtshali
TRIBUTE TO PHANGISILE MTSHALI On December 21, 2022 InflexionPoint Podcast featured a powerful guest and dear friend, Phangisile Mtshali from South Africa. We had an in-depth conversation ...
Encore: Compulsion of the SOUL
This is an amazing Topic which takes a deep look at how "The SOUL has SAY!" How can we see this in Ones around us? Around the world? What happens when we have Compulsion of the SOUL? This is...
Year of the Water Rabbit – Hope, Resilience and Prosperity.
2023 is the year of the Water Rabbit. Predictions include hope, prosperity and the ability to handle all events (resilience). Drs Georgia and Sharon will offer teachings on how to anchor these energies of 2...
Catch Your CrAzY!!!! Do you know enough about your signature crazy to catch it before it'...
This past weekend I found myself irritable. More irritable than usual. I became abrupt and short with my words with my family. I found myself "venting" more than I'm comfortable with. The story I told myself was, "...
Flip Your Money Mindset, Lighten Your Mental Load
Carrying a heavy mental load is not a badge of honor and it’s affecting your money! Join Erica Gifford Mills with her guest, Vikki Zacchilli, as they discuss how to overcome limiting beliefs and create a posi...
Ultimate DIY – self-development!
We are trained to go to experts and others for advice, perspective and to have understanding about ourselves. In this show we’ll talk about how that self-knowledge must be do-i...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
New Year, Elevate You
In this episode, Guest Hosts Alysia Lyons and Stephanie Chapman will discuss self esteem in moms and how damaging new year, new you can be. Connect with Alysia:
Dance In The Wind of Your Dreams
In this episode Gretta, Leigh and Yvonne discuss the quotation "Dance in the wind of your dreams."
Are Your Stars and Planets Lining up for 2023?
A little piece of heaven falling to earth - You just have to see it!
Receiving Spiritual Guidance with special guest- Joy Foster
This episode we continue our deep connections with The Divine. Pam will be interviewing Joy Foster of High Vibes with Joy about her business and how she allows herself to be a channel for Source. J...
From Attacked, Kidnapped, and Traumatized, to Grateful and Thriving!
Have you ever wondered where the people are today from the headlines you’ve read about being attacked, kidnapped, abused, traumatized? Look no more, Trish Smith is that person. Today, she will take you on a j...
Recovery Storytelling with Felisha Hunter
Felisha Hunter is a Nurse, Recovery Coach, Author, and Podcaster but most importantly she is a person in recovery for substance use, trauma, and codependency. She continues to live a sober life through the lenses o...
Learning how to go from Reactive Motivation to Responsive Motivation.
Are you questioning your ability to get stuff done? Do you feel like you consistently live more in a “I should be doing more” vs. “I’m proud of what I have done?” Do you ever question ...
Quality Aloe Vera, Time To Awaken, and I Used To Have Cancer
KAREN MASTERSON KOCH ALOE LIFE using Aloe Vera to improve digestion, gain mental clarity, have more energy and healthy, beautiful skin what to look for in a quality Alo...
Dysfunction of the other side – what most people miss or deny!
Many people deny the existence of another dimension and hold onto the false belief that the physical world is all there is. For those who believe that there is a non-physical dimensi...
A Whole New You
Now that we are a few days into the new year, the pressure to make resolutions, articulate goals, find your mission, live your vision, and change your life is on! There is an allure to the ideas around having a cle...
Sun Worshippers, Christmas, and New Year's Inspiration!
Are you a Sun Worshipper? Can we love the world without liking it? What really matters at Christmas? And some New Year's inspiration for spiritual workers everywhere!
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Friday, January 6, 2023
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Rachel Claire Farnsworth , Tawanna Woolfolk LCSW, Nirmala Raju , Kimberly Henry
Entrepreneur Woman
We will talk about health, and how we can thrive with good food and social environmental justice. Zion will share about the struggle of women in business - especially black women. However, women can and do thrive...