Archived Episodes
The 4th of July – a unique perspective on the true soul of America!
We will compare the Enneagram type of the U.S. versus it’s Astrology to see the negative energy attached and what we can do as do to correct it. This is a classic example of how to use The Ecosystem Approach....
Encore: How to raise your consciousness with Special Guest Richard Lawrence
Our purpose here on Earth is to raise our consciousness through the lives in our journey back to our Divine Source. There are many ways to accomplish this and numerous different paths are offered, some far more eff...
We Will Achieve Ascension
This month on The Spiritual Freedom Show we explore the destiny we all have on Earth – Ascension. What does it take to achieve this state of total mastery over life on Earth? What will we experience when we g...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Surviving The Second Tier with M. K. Lever
M.K. Lever, a former Division 1 athlete and PhD candidate at UT Austin, combines her personal experiences as a college athlete and the weight of her academic research in areas concerning NCAA rhetoric, discourse, a...
25. The 1 requirement for your best life
What I know for sure is that meaningful relationships are the single most important indicator to living a happy, long life. I want that for each and everyone one of you. I want us to get good at creatin...
Exploration of Self
In this Episode, Gretta, Leigh and Yvonne discuss the quote: "This reality is the space in which you have chosen to learn lessons that you committed to explore."
ERC- Extraterrestrial Research Center with Guest Rick Warner
Rick Warner discusses ERC-Extraterrestrial Research Center, and how to submit UFO sightings. Rick answers questions on the existence of UFO's and extraterrestrial beings, beliefs in alien species and starting his o...
Coming Out of Hiding and Shining Brightly with special guest- Kristi Pederson
In this episode, my special guest, Kristi Pederson, gets to BE HERSELF and share with all of us her amazing story of living her young life as a secret and how she slowly became visible and began living out her purp...
Surrender Your Story with Robin H Clare, Manuscript Maven – Green Heart Living Press
Each of us has a story, and in fact, we may have many stories that define our lives and impact our ability to manifest our best lives. These stories directly result from unhealed trauma from our childhood, teen, an...
The Chintamani Crystal Matrix: Quantum Intention and the Wish-Fulfilling Gem with Johnden...
Exploring the many chintamani myths and legends from East and West, the authors explain how there are three types of chintamani: the mythical gemstone; the power crystals of history, such as the Koh-i-Noor diamond;...
Becoming Fierce- Creating a Bold and Beautiful Life with Stephanie James
A gentle and provocative book, stimulating considerable thought, and igniting the heart space, while providing the practical insights to build the inner strength and courage to overcome. Becoming Fierce is an aston...
Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle Deck and Guidebook with Lisa Estabrook
The Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle Deck and accompanying guidebook feature 44 powerful Soulflowers who wish to help you remember the simple truth that all of Nature is sharing—that we are cyclical beings...
How To Ignite The Spark Within
What lights you up? This is a question that our amazing guest Stephanie James asks not only herself, but her clients and peers. As a Psychotherapist for over 30 years, she has dedicated her l...
The Power of Spiritual Adaptability: 3 Emotional Elevation Coaching Tools to Crush Covid ...
Why are the tools in recovery so powerful? How have millions of people who lost everything more than once learned how to rise up, clean up, and tattoo success on their spiritual guidepost? Today I will share how ad...
Riding the Relationship Escalator with Michelle Hy
Michelle Hy is from Portland, Oregon and runs the page Polyamorous While Asian, which seeks to normalize non-monogamy and amplify the voices of oth...
Kornelia Stephanie Media Group: Healing Heavy Hearts ~ Replenishing Your Soul Cup Podcast
Healing Heavy Hearts ~ Replenishing Your Soul Cup Harnessing our power to make a meaningful contribution to the collective 10+ Strategies To Replenish Your Soul Cup -Look afte...
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Diane McClay , Annie McKinnon , Nadine Searle , Dr. Bob Saul , Julie DeLucca-Collins
Activate Your Cosmic DNA with Eva Marquez
Did you know that we all carry with in us the spiritual DNA of our cosmic family? In her new book, Cosmic DNA author and channel Eva Marquez will teach you how to discover your starseed lineage. Learn how to activa...
Episode 43 - Honoring Your Own Time with Guest Cory Zacker
Cory Zacker joins us in Episode 43 to talk about the toxicity of multi-tasking. Burnout found her as she was helping other women business owners avoid the same burnout that was consu...
The War On Cancer, Pet VIVO, and Safely Studying Animals
SYLIVE BELJANSKI, author, Winning The War On Cancer herbal formulations used by French President Francois Mitterrand to treat his advanced Prostate Cancer successfully so he could complete his second term o...
Does Dark energy have consciousness?
When we speak to clients about removing negative energies from their Essence, many people see it as a mechanical process. That misperception creates expectations that you just follow directions, and everythin...
Unlocking The Ancient Secrets to Healing with Gail Lynn
Why science is looking to the past for the future of medicine. Call in to the show with your questions 1.800.930.2819
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Am I an Empath? with Special Guest Allyson Blythe
What is the difference between the feeling of empathy vs being an Empath and how you can find out more! https://www.fac...