Archived Episodes
Angels and Romance for Valentines Day with Sue Storm - The Angel Lady
From Romance to Finance, the Angels want everyone to be happyand successful. Love is such an important part of happiness. Terina is the Angel of Attraction who brings romance to existingrelationships and can helps t...
Co-host Dr. Dan Cohen with: Is a Spiritual Practice Always Relaxing?
Technology has been developed that can help you feel so much better without the use of drugs and also help you develop spiritually. What is this technology? How does it work? Dr. Dan has been working with this technol...
You Were Not Born to Suffer with Author Blake Bauer
Blake believes that loving yourself unconditionally is the key to healing yourself, fulfilling your life’s purpose, and realizing your full potential both personally and professionally.By bringing together the...
Maca for Lifelong Wellness with Mark Ament
Maca is a turnip like vegetable that grows at altitudes at and above 13,000 ft (3200 m) in the Andes. As the world’s highest growing crop, Maca is incredibly hardy, thriving in an inhospitable environment of rocky soi...
The New Spiritual Chakras and How To Work with Them with Author Elizabeth Joyce
In order to know how to “heal consciousness,” we first need reliable means to know what it is to “heal” and to have “consciousness” or to become “conscious.” A new energy arrived on December 21, 2012, allowing all hum...
Encore: Finding True Love with Co-host TJ Woodward
It is a new year and a new opportunity to find and experience more love in our lives. The thing is, many of us have been "looking for love in all the wrong places" as the saying goes. Please join Dr. Pat and co-host T...
The Only Little Prayer You Need - The Shortest Route to a Life of Joy, Abundance and Peac...
The Only Little Prayer You Need addresses the prevalence of fear in people's lives. The book is based on six words that showed up in the author's life on a day when she was frustrated, stressed and angry. When she dec...
Living your Purpose and Past Life Regression with World-Renowned Expert Mira Kelley
Past Life Regression is a very gentle, yet powerful tool. In our sessions, I guide my clients into a state of deep physical and mental relaxation. With their bodies relaxed, their natural focus goes within and they ca...
The 7 Gates to Your True Power with Nomi Bachar
Gates of Power Method created by Nomi Bachar hands you effective, revolutionary and holistic keys to achieve self healing and self-actualization. It empowers and guides you to create a life of vibrant health, true ful...
The Impact of Angels in Our Life with Author Marie-Ange Faugérolas
Throughout history, angels have played key roles in some of the world’s most significant spiritual events. Featured in the ancient texts of our most popular religions, angels have fascinated and inspired devotees for ...
The Atlantean Legacy with Artist and Author Paula Bates
A fascinating story about Akana, a priestess of ancient Atlantis, as channeled through Paula Bates. Filled with the details of her daily life, her friends, and her loves, Akana shares with you a glimpse into the ritua...
Accelerated Expansiveness and Abundance with Devra Ann Jacobs. Don't Miss This Special Sh...
This is a special time in the Universe - Dr. Pat and Devra Ann will be discussing Divine INTUITION, IMAGINATION, INSPIRATION, INCLUSION & INTENTION for ...
The Empowered Self: Dr. Friedemann Schaub's Empowerment Radio - Breakthrough Solutions fo...
After almost 10 years on the Dr. Pat Show, this wonderful journey comes to an end. I so appreciate Dr. Pat and her team for all the great shows we did together. While being on her show has allowed me to share my work ...
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Co-Host: Dr. Friedemann Schaub
Guest: Dr. Friedemann Schaub
Part 2 - Intuit Your Way to Happiness and Success with Author May McCarthy
Just like Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, and Albert Einstein, you can learn to rely on intuition to achieve more of what you want in all areas of your life. May will share the simple daily steps that will help...
The Bully's Trap - Bullying in the Workplace with Author Andrew Faas
Andrew Faas will provide comprehensive and provocative insight into the dynamics, impacts and costs of bullying in the workplace and answers how it can be prevented and stopped.Bullying in the workplace destro...
Awaken Your Third Eye - What Is Your 'Third Eye' and How Can You Open It? Dr. Susan Shumsky
Through the window of your eyes, you can view the ever-changing landscape of your beauteous, miraculous world. You perceive this magnificent world with your five senses: seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and feeling...
Reconnecting to the Creative Power of the Dragon with Dr. Christine Page
Ancient people knew that the source of all creativity upon this planet doesn’t come from above, but runs beneath our feet; it’s called dragon energy. Women have a deep connection to this wise, creative and powerful e...
The Questionable Parent ~ Dr. Glenna Rice MPT: If Money Wasn't the Issue What Would You C...
How can asking this question change everything you are asking for?
Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace - Loving Yourself Is the Key to Creation
This show is always about the latest channeled information in subjects of creation, energy direction, collective consciousness challenges, and self-love. Call in and receive channeled guidance on how to powerfully cre...
Everyday Spirituality with Nancy Monson - The GPS to the Soul: Human Design as Your Guide...
Your soul’s blueprint was created the moment you were born. The Human Design system reveals this blueprint and provides you with a GPS for living the full expression of your soul’s potential and purpose. In this episo...
7 Concepts From Living Kabbalah That Can Redirect Your Abundance with Osiris Indriya
The Flow of Abundance - Imagine with me that Abundance is a river. Our relationship with this river can determine how much influence we have over the abundance in our life. And once we understand this relationship, ta...