Archived Episodes
Reclaim Your Life: Beyond 2012 with guest Linda Fitch
The work of the Shaman brings health and well being into our lives. Learn how to regain the world of joy, stillness, health, abundance and love, which is rightfully ours. Linda will share valuable insights from the an...
Join today's Guest Host, Medical Intuitive Mary Jane Mack as she discusses various topics...
Mary Jane will discuss several topics. Also more about making the Holidays stress free and happy.
Managing all the Craziness of the Holidays with Guest Host Sue London and her guest Cindy...
Everyone loves Christmas time with all the delights that accompany the season, right? No, this is not the case for everyone. The holidays can be a challenging time for some. It can be an emotional, frantic and anxiou...
Guest Host Natalie - Cultivating Global Healing, One Soul at a time with Malathy Drew
Malathy is dubbed the 'Heart and Soul of Heart-Centered Networking' and is an innovator in 'Utilizing Social Media to Be the Change in the World.' She is a gifted intuitive healer and utilizes her many life experience...
Guest Hosts Christine and Noah - Keep Your Inner Critic From Sabotaging Your New Year - h...
Who doesn't set off into the new year with hope and anticipation? But how many of us actually complete the year with the same levels of happiness and success we intended? Not enough Join Christine Arylo and Amy Ahlers...
Encore Presentation: The Game of Life and How to Win It with Dr. Ray Blanchard of Spectru...
Dr. Blanchard Explains: How to Expand and Accelerate your success rather than Fixing the Past. Get the principles and practices to use to win your game in life. Learn a proven Formula for Success and Self-Transformati...
Guest Host Auriella: Discovering Your Power with guest Author Howard Falco
Based on the book I AM, listeners will experience a new way of looking at where the seeds of how their life unfolds come from, how to recognize them, change them, and how to nurture them into being. This is the path t...
Find Your Truly Ideal Partner through Date Therapy with Lydia - Dr. Tranquility - Belton
Date Therapy is designed to use hypnotherapy to actually reach deep into one's subconscious to draw out beliefs, goals, dreams and preferences so that you can find someone who matches your true values. With that in mi...
Guest Host Christine Upchurch - Letting Go into 2012 with Sabrina Fritts
For many, 2011 has been a year of great change. This change has occurred on a societal level, such as the many economic and political changes seen worldwide. This change has also taken place on the individual level, w...
You Are Never Alone with Guest Host Sue London and her special guest Gloria Messenger
Gloria Messenger is a Spiritual Artist and Angel Messenger. She realized that divine changes were propelling her forward into amazing self-discovery. A path of separation with fear was instantly replaced with enlighte...
Connecting to Spirit and your Soul Through Music with guest Robert Coxon
Get in touch with your internal Master, your Soul by connecting to infinity through music. Step into your power and allow spiritually inspired music to heal you.
The Game of Life and How to Win It with Dr. Ray Blanchard of Spectrum Life Design Education
Dr. Blanchard Explains: How to Expand and Accelerate your success rather than Fixing the Past. Get the principles and practices to use to win your game in life. Learn a proven Formula for Success and Self-Transformati...
The transformational power of sacred travel to Egypt with Dr. Friedemann Schaub of Cellul...
Egypt is a place to remember - to remember who you truly are. During this interview Danielle and Friedemann will lead a guided meditation to our inner temple from where we can remember the light of our truth. They wil...
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Dr. Friedemann Schaub , Danielle Rama Hoffman
Join today's Guest Host, Medical Intuitive Mary Jane Mack as she discusses various topics...
Mary Jane will discuss several topics. Also more about making the Holidays stress free and happy. She will also be taking your calls.
Discover the full potential of the Essence of Gratitude with Sylvie Olivier and Angie Arc...
Two Canadian women are on a mission to spread and infuse the Essence of Gratitude around the world. Exploring Gratitude in all its facets and experiencing its powerful energy through the Essence of Gratitude Symbol an...
Just One Thing: Developing a Buddha Brain One Simple Practice at a Time with Neuropsychol...
50 quick, simple, yet profoundly powerful practices to change the neurocircuitry in our brains to lead to greater happiness, love and wisdom
Music Can Bring Forth Our Divinity and Create Peace with guest Steve Robertson
Steve Robertson has made a life long study of the effect music has on enhancing our spirituality and bringing forth our own divinity. In this in depth conversation, Steve shares how music relates to the song of our So...
Practical Conscious Creation: Your Gateway to Becoming a Better Faster Manifestor Day - B...
Would you like to be a better, faster manifestor day by day? Than you won't want to miss Jackie Lapin. Jackie, world leader in educating, mentoring and coaching people on Practical Conscious Creation, will show you ho...
Understanding Health Choices: Patch or Fix; Disease care or Health care; Relief concept ...
Dr. Thain discusses the consciousness of being 'symptom free' or being at optimal health. What is patch or fix, how is our health system designed, what really is Health?
How to Keep From Gaining Weight During the Holidays with Dr. Susan Smith Jones
Healthy Eating Tips to Prevent Weight Gain & Promote Vitality, Especially During the Holidays. Dr. Jones will share 17 surefire tips to help you get through holidays, vacations, parties or any family gatherings wi...
There is NO True Healing - Without Healing Memories PART 1 with Dr. Alex Loyd
Beliefs are at the source of disease and dis-function and belief are interpretations of memories.