Archived Episodes
Angels put a "Spring" in Your Step with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
Spring is a good time to renew your ideas, review your opportunities, and increase your vitality. Esther is the Angel of Vitality and it brings her great joy to generate stamina, energy, and liveliness for your eve...
Remove Fat Permanently While Gaining Muscle
More people today are struggling with obesity and/or sarcopenia, an accelerated loss of muscle mass that puts you at high risk for falls, losing your independence and mortality from year...
If I Can't Be Black in Africa Where Can I Be Black?
CROWN Act: Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair Pretoria High School, a prestig...
Ep 1: What is Blockchain?
Blockchain technology has been around since 1991. It gained a lot of popularity in 2009 with Satoshi Nakamado’s whitepaper titled, “
Dynamics of Class and Classism in Organizations: Digging Deep with Guest Dr. Carmen Rivera
We are excited to welcome Dr. Carmen Rivera, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs at Colorado State University to the next show to explore dynamics of class and classism in higher education. Don’t mis...
Part 1 of 3 Documentary - Forgotten Origins ~ Out of Australia Theory~ With Steven & Eva...
Yes you read that Title right! Come and join us and be on the edge of your seats, as We share the 1st Part of a 3 Part Documentary Series. ...
Aligning The Ego - How To Use Ego As An Asset
Ego is such a tricky part of the human experience. It's the part of our mental makeup that helps each of us hold a sense of self-importance and self-esteem. But when this amazing tool falls even slightly out of ali...
Expectation re-set
Re-setting your expectations, realigning with your integrity, and getting rid of the same. Watch live on Facebook.
Reproductive Rights: Where We Have Been and Where We Are Now with Peggy Olson
Why are reproductive rights so important? What even are reproductive rights? When we think of reprodictive rights, mostly we think of abortion and Roe v. Wade. While those topics are al...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren...
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Dr. Diana Marcado , Kristin Fitch , Lea Satterfield , Purvi Kay
Entrepreneur-Special Guest: Walter Miller
Walt Miller was raised in California by his father who was in sales and his mother who was a people person. So, sales came quite naturally to him. When he was 19, he started working for a com...
Bringing Peace, Freedom, and Healing in the Ukraine
News of the invasion in Ukraine has reverberated around the world over the past few days, filling people with a sense of shock and sadness. Desperate as the situation may seem, the good news is that no matter who w...
Episode 26 - Confident Connected Consistency with Guest Kyla Meuer
In episode 26, Kyla Meuer reveals that burnout has been a slow burn for her over the years and shares how she’s recovered from years of constant burnout by connecting to hersel...
Sylvie Beljanski - The Epic Journey Towards a Natural Cure
SYLVIE BELJANSKI, JD, author, WINNING THE WAR ON CANCER The Epic Journey Towards a Natural Cure In 1990 French President Francois Mitterand was officially diagnosed with advanced Prostate Cancer. He was two years i...
Virtual reality - invisible opportunities that will blow your mind!
Imagine asking your boss for a raise in your own personal virtual reality? Perhaps you’re making a change in your company, and you want to see how it will be received? Maybe you’re a musician and you ju...
Healing with Light Frequencies:The Transformative Power of Star Magic with Jerry Sargeant
Star Magic Healing aligns you with high-vibrational Consciousness Codes and extraterrestrial light frequencies that expand your consciousness, shift your vibration, and speed up the healing process. The aut...
Sexual Discrimination against the Disabled-Newman! Accenture launched Black Founders Deve...
Judith Newman, noted journalist, writes about sexual prejudice against people with disabilities. "The Continental", a new quarterly literary review, features the best writings of Central Europe and North A...
Monday, February 28, 2022
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Judith Newman , Kathryn Ross , Horace Flournoy
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren...
How dying and intermittent fasting started me living again
Fred was born with challenges due to an ABI that weren't identified until his mid-30s. Then starting in 2009, he had more added on via medical trauma, misdiagnosis and medical device failures, leading to 22 hospita...
7. How are you showing up in your life?
How are you showing up in your life? Are you going through the motions just to make it to the next day? Are you waiting for some motivation to do the things that you say you want to do but not sure why ...
Be Joyful and Revel in your Beingness
In this episode, Gretta, Leigh and Yvonne discuss the quotation: "Loosen mental chains from your mind. Release yourself from emotions and thoughts that bind you to perceived hurtful ...
The Day the Angels Saved My Life! with Guest Wendy rose Williams
Wendy Rose Williams had 2 Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) in 1997 while pregnant. She met her Angels for the first time while home alone, lying unconscious on the floor when an aorta ruptured, and again the nig...
Jungian Coach Cindy Schmidt
Cindy Schmidt has been healing women through physical therapy at her clinic in Durango, Colorado for years. A self described life long seeker she recently added Jungian Coaching to her extensive tool box. She...