Archived Episodes
The Limitless Soul- Hypno-Regression Case Studies into Past, Present and Future Lives wit...
Access the soul level of your mind and resolve current life issues with this amazing collection of case studies. Using her hypnoregression technique, Soul Expression Spiritual Regression (SESR), author Bryn Blankin...
Selfies - what selfies tell us about human nature!
This is the selfie generation but what is the lesson for human nature? As Intuitives we see that selfies represent a trend with human nature that has significant imp...
Celebrating with Angels with The Angel Lady Sue Storm!
Angels love a celebration. Recognize that the angels are around and include them at every event and occasion. Let the angels be the "life of the party". Best angels to call on are: Robin, Angel of Social Interactio...
But I’m NOT Racist: Creating Impactful White Affinity / Accountability Spaces, A Conversa...
Has racial equity work stalled in your organization?Want to help create greater racial justice in your organization, but having troublefinding other whites who are truly committed to meaningful change?
“Handle the Lump, Heal your Life Part 2" With Dana Theriault
What do you believe about Women’s Health since the 'information age’? Do you believe that women are claiming more or less personal authority over their own bodies? Has women’s health really benefi...
Seven Ways That Circumcision Damages Your Mental Health – The Signs You Need To Look Out ...
Psychological Effects On Infants and adolescents and Post Tramatic Stress Disorder
“STOP! The madness! The world of goal achievement has turned into a circus of insanity..S...
#1 best-selling author speaks out against books that talk about “The Law of Attraction” like “The Secret” and calls out their ridiculous theories as crazy, far-fetched and demands these mess...
Summer Travel Planning-Goodman! Cancer & Vitamin E-Dr.Tan! Global Market & China Trade Di...
Amy Goodman helps jumpstart your summer travel planning and shares tips on the best way to plan summer travel! Savings, trip preperations, locations, rewards and more hot tips! Dr. Barrie Tan is talkin...
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Amy Goodman , Dr. Barrie Tan , Gene Goldman , Dr. Donna McCree
Let's Laugh! Dementia with Dignity
Dementia and other brain diseases affect so many and can be devasting to watch as your loved one change. Join Erica and her special guest, Dr. Sandi Shaw, as they discuss how to accept, adapt, love your loved one a...
Wisdom of the Wolves, Part II
Julia will share more information about the wolves and their perceptions of this point in time. You'll learn the difference between what we think and feel - and how the wolves think we should change our everyday be...
Peace Through Music 40th Anniversary with Dean and Dudley Evenson!
40 years after they founded Soundings of the Planet, Dean and Dudley Evenson are still going strong with their Peace Through Music mission. They discuss thier recent trip to France, their COVR Visionary Awards, upc...
Now What? What Happened?
You hit a dead end again. You had the will power all gone. What about the motivation? You can't see yourself continuing what you've started because it's scary it's new. But it would be so good for you. Watc...
Black Sheep - are you a black sheep? Here’s the answer!
Have you ever considered yourself the Black Sheep? In a programing culture, where we’re told how to act, and what to think, it’s easy to be the black sheep. Often the best of us are the black sheep of t...
Hysterectomy Alternatives-Milad! Prostate Cancer-Loeb! Finance Tips-Adams! Kidney Disease...
Dr. Magdy Milad speaks on alternatives to hysterectomies and will share the latest medical advances for women with chronic and painful gynecologic conditions. Dr. Stacy Loeb will discuss why prostate cancer...
Monday, June 24, 2019
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Dr. Magdy Milad , Dr. Stacy Loeb , Laura Adams , Dr. Martin Schreiber
Be The Voice for Change
In our rapidly changing world, it serves us to embrace change as we redesign our lives and our world. While we know change can be uncomfortable, it does not have to be when there is a willingness to communicate wha...
Friday, June 21, 2019
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Nina Hall-Curtis , Debbra Lupien , Autumn Seibel , Susan Axelrod , Carlenia Springer
Command Master Chief Leon R. Walker author of Broken -Survival Instincts of a Child
BROKEN…A gripping tale of a lost and damaged kid that will take you on a powerful, emotional, and intense rollercoaster ride. Eye opening and heartbreaking! A very young and dark life, this ...
The power of a broken heart...Finding strength and joy through loss.
"My loved ones knew they were dying, and all three of them told me. When Heather said, "Mommy, I'm going to die this year," I heard, but I didnt' listen. when Holly jotted her note on the way toward her...
“Broken Open: Embracing Heartache and Betrayal as Gateways to Unconditional Love” with au...
From Heartbreak to Wholeness. Understanding the wounds we take in the battles of love are the most profound tools for healing we will ever receive. It’s about letting the light stream in through the cracks in...
90 Days To Life with author Ruble Chandy!
90 Days to Life - A Jorney from Turmoil to Triump! Discover… A powerful never revealed strategy to convert stress and suffering into celebration. By the time you finish reading this touching story, you will ...
Broken with Command Master Chief Leon R. Walker!
JUNE IS NATIONAL POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER AWARENESS MONTH! Acknowledging PTSD Awareness Month, Command Master Chief Leon R. Walker shares his story in his debut memoir, BROKEN…A gripping tale of a lost...
Freedom - real freedom is NOT political, its internal
A lot has been said about freedom these days, especially in the political realm! We have observed over the years, there is a lack of freedom in relationships and its almost epidemic! Many have allowed themselves to...
Becoming a Great Leader People Want to Follow with Ian Graham!
Great leadership takes self-awareness, strong values and humility. Being a good manager doesn’t always mean you can be a great leader. Join Sarah in a conversation with her special guest—Ian Graham&mdas...