Archived Episodes
Special Guest Host Claire Candy Hough: Remember to Say Thank You When You Pray
Claire Candy Hough and her angelic family will share insights and messages on how important it is during the Holiday season and all year round to include thanks in our prayers.
Freedom From The Victim Syndrome: Change your mind to signal personal power and strength ...
You can learn and adapt from victim to survivor with The Scheidegger Approach. Imagery and visualization is key - change your mind and change your life! Watch LIVE on Facebook! Go to:
You're not old at 90 it's just the belief you have that you're old. Loving living life at...
A ninety-year-old going on 70 after 61 years of marriage suddenly faced loss and deep loneliness, with a belief that I ‘m too old and now what. Yet the universe orchestrated a beautiful scene in the movie of ...
Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness wi...
Living in a Mindful Universe bridges science and spirituality using a fresh and unprecedented approach empowered by recent scientific findings on consciousness, leading to a surprisingly powerful interpretation of ...
The Hidden Energetic & Spiritual Causes Behind All Illnesses with Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe
Illness and suffering emanate from subconscious images. These images are actually subtle light patterns and can also be stored in the heart and soul.Early on in Dr. Jaffe's career he began to notice how...
Sanskrit – Its Power and Relevance to Conscious Confidence
Sanskrit and ancient Indian wisdom has made its way into many areas of our contemporary culture and lifestyle. Sarah Mane shares her decades of Sanskrit study and practice. She reveals the power and rel...
Courage, healing and empowerment with a Hollywood stuntman and former U.S. Marine Steve C...
How to have the courage to face your fears through vulnerability and emotional fitness. Redefining masculinity by honoring the duality of the masculine and feminine. Building resilience and happiness through advent...
Angelic Support Through the Holidays - The Angel Lady Sue Storm
The Angels are very visible during the holidays. You can find them everywhere. This is a special time to connect with your angels and let them bring prosperity into your daily life. Angels are happy to be of suppor...
The Missing Element: Inspiring Compassion for the Human Condition with Author & Astrologe...
The Missing Element is a chance to understand the uniqueness of your personality. Silverman provides a language that allows you to have compassion for how different, weird and individualistic we each are.
From Sexual abuse, rape, and shame around your sexuality to taking your pleasure back, wi...
Do you like having sex, do you feel good about your body? it's your pleasure vehicle.The recent me too # viral post that one woman identified with publicly has now created a mass healing for all abused w...
Goodnews Segment: Medicare Open Enrollment & Choosing Plans, VA Caregiving, Small Busines...
Dr. Courtney Van Houtven - Building a Nation of Caregivers - VA Medical Centers Provide a System-Wide Standard of Care for Eligible VeteransSharon Miller - Small busine...
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Dr. Courtney Van Houtven , Sharon Miller , John Hammarlund , Dan Tufto
Are You A Rebel Without A Claus? Tired Of Fowl Conversation Around The Dinner Table? with...
Creating a magical wonderland of perfection while pursuing career goals, raising brilliant children, looking great and making things look great is hard work! Help is on the way! Clear the energy between family memb...
Dreaming on Both Sides of the Brain: Discover the Secret Language of the Night with Autho...
A dream is not just white noise or something that happens to you while you sleep. Dreams are the secret language of your unconscious. So often when we awake we find that our dreams have either evaporate...
Goodnews Segment: Medicare Open Enrollment, Living with COPD, the Age of Personal Robots,...
Rebecca Rabbitt - Medicare Open Enrollment Ends Soon: Are You and/or Your Parents Covered?Dr. Shannon Kasperbauer - What Everyone Should Know About Living with the Chro...
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Rebecca Rabbitt , Dr. Shannon Kasperbauer , Dr. Cynthia Breazeal , Dr. Peter Toth
Quantum Hypnotherapy: Let It Go, Embrace The New
When you’ve tried everything, and everything you’ve tried has not helped. What do you do? You say Yes to The Scheidegger Approach. The core value and essence of Barbara’s breakthrough work is YES ...
From Chaos to Love: Using your life's obstacles to bring you into Wholeness with Charleen...
Wholeness Coach Charleen Hess shares her journey of overcoming every obstacle life can throw you from early childhood well into adulthood. Raised in an abusive and addicted home as the 13th child, Charleen had to o...
Encore: Soul Whispering: the Art of Awakening Shamanic Consciousness with Linda Star Wolf...
Discover how YOU can use ancient indigenous practices to AWAKEN your Shamanic Consciousness!Sharing the ageless wisdom of their collective shamanic experiences and personal journey work- and providing a...
Good News Segment: Men's Health News, USO Pathfinder Program, CVS Health & Cancer Resear...
Dr. Edward Schaeffer - NOVEMBER IS Men’s Health Awareness Month (Movember). Can Prostate Cancer be found early? Dr. Schaeffer discusses signs and treatment options. Dr. JD...
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Dr. Edward Schaeffer , Dr. JD Crouch , Rusty Robertson & Karen Taphorn , Dr. William T. Cefalu
The Feminine Face of God ~ Christ ~ Source
Heaven On Earth on a global scale. All who are called to listen and access their true spiritual power from the inside out, tapping into their authentic truth and exploring the Source/ God/ our infinite power within...