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01/01/2025 03:00 pm
InflexionPoint Podcast: Cultivating Change from the Inside Out: Encore: Navigating the Road Ahead
InflexionPoint Podcast: Cultivating Change from the Inside Out: Encore: Navigating the Road Ahead
InflexionPoint Podcast: Antiracism Activation through Courage, Conversation, Relatioship, and Accountabiliy 1st & 3rd Wednesday 3PM PT / 6PM ET Anita D Russell, MEd, CPLC, JMT, ICF Anita is passionate about personal transformation and doing BIG things—building community, inspiring change, and giving back. She is loves working ... Read more InflexionPoint Podcast: Antiracism Activation through Courage, Conversation, Relatioship, and Accountabiliy 1st & 3rd Wednesday 3PM PT / 6PM ET Anita D Russell, MEd, CPLC, JMT, ICF Anita is passionate about personal transformation and doing BIG things—building community, inspiring change, and giving back. She is loves working with people she encounters in everyday life through coaching, speaking, and writing—women entrepreneurs, professionals, and experts in particular. Her career and life experiences span multiple disciplines, including Pharma R&D, learning and development, diversity and inclusion, leadership, and volunteer service. Personal transformation occurs in the gap between where you are and where you desire to be—that is your "becoming" space. The goal is to master your becoming space as you navigate across the Personal Transformation Bridge. Learn to use critical self-reflection to hold yourself accountable and responsible to nurture, grow, and empower your best life. The point is to live and grow intentionally. Using an appreciative coaching and strength-based approach, Anita guides you to identify and disrupt limiting beliefs, empower critical self-reflection, and challenge assumptions. She developed an Activism through Coaching Model to create space for Antiracism Activation. The model rests on 4 distinct pillars: courage, conversation, relationship, and accountability. In addition to one-on-one and group coaching with individials, Anita offers her services to businesses to cultivate change across employee, leadership, and organizational levels.
Cultivating Change from the Inside Out
Cultivating Change from the Inside Out
She earned her master's degree in Educational Leadership from Capella University. She is a graduate of the Certified Life Coach Institute, a member of the John Maxwell Team, and a member of the International Coach Federation. She is also a Certified Mental Health First Aid (Youth & Adult) Instructor in Pittsburgh PA.
Anita is the Founder and Principal of The Place to SOAR LLC, a social enterprise dedicated to cultivating change through critical self-reflection, personal transformation, and accountability for the purpose of unveiling human potential. "SOAR" is an acronym for Step Out and Redesign and is the foundation for her personal transformation work. SOAR also includes a toolkit based on 6 keys to nurture, grow, and empower your life.
Anita is also the Global Business Connector Pittsburgh PA for Women Speakers Association, inspiring women entrepreneurs, authors, and speakers to be seen and heard on a global platform. She is the Northeast Regional Vice President for the U.S. Coalition of Black Women Businesses, a nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading its message of empowerment, hope, and compassion. She is a board member of OMA Center for Mind, Body, Spirit, and VP of Media Relations for the Edna B. McKenzie Pittsburgh Branch of ASALH (Association for the Study of African American Life and History). Anita is also a member of the Black Speakers Network.
I loved Anita Russell’s presentation on “Dismantling Racism”! So eye-opening, so convicting, yet so gently delivered. I learned from Anita how little I know about African American history and about the Black experience in this country — why wasn’t that taught in my schools or university?? I learned more about what systemic racism is in the U.S., how it is expressed in corporations and other organizations through assimilation. I told Anita that her voice needs to be multiplied, this presentation was that good. I will never forget the face of baby Cairo or the view from the “top [edge] of the coin.” My sincerest gratitude, Anita!
Mavis Bauman
I am so grateful to have attended Anita's program on antiracism. Her brilliance, compassion and gifts of guiding/teaching and leading others opened pathways for participants (including myself) to explore, uncover and work through their own issues to enable growth and transformation in being antiracist. We have all experienced many storms and I am grateful for this opportunity in remembering the truth she so eloquently and compassionately speaks. I am amazed at her ability to guide each of us to work through our own layers of generational racism to be mindful and present to the different choices we can make each day fueled by truth and awareness.
Thank you from the depth of my heart and soul for the gift of you, your wisdom, your teachings, and your compassion. It is beyond the time for everyone to look deep within and begin their own journey of transformation and healing and stepping into ownership of the choices we all can make to live each moment as an antiracist person and remember our collective humanity.
Gail Hunter
I am so glad I took this training with Anita. I much more fully understand the struggles black people have experienced over the years in a way I didn’t before taking this class. Anita talks about wanting the world to be a better, a safer place for her grandson. A world where he won’t have to protest. I want that for him too. So what can I do? I can make a beginning by ‘seeing’ black people rather than pretending they aren’t there. I mean actually making eye contact, saying hello and having conversations. I can notice my racist thinking when it pops up, acknowledge it and decide to change. I must do this and change... for Anita’s grandson.I can notice my racist thinking when it pops up, acknowledge it and decide to change. I must do this and change... for Anita’s grandson.
Susan Wind
I woke up this morning anticipating another inspirational discussion on my journey toward antiracism and realized that our workshop was over, but my transformation was just beginning. This transformational journey will be ingrained in my head, heart and soul as my realization today is the recognition of the work ahead of me. I was ready and willing to begin the work of antiracism but Anita Russell was the spark and guide. Anita's approach for this workshop was one that provided accurate information and resources, sensitivity training and support as she gently, yet directly challenged some of my ingrained beliefs. She provided a safe space for me and other members of the group for this self exploration. I loved Anita's theme throughout the eight weeks which was we each need to take personal responsibility about what happens next and decide own our role in the goal of antiracism. I was able to feel comfortable and challenged due to Anita's experiential approach, her skill, training and engaging leadership. I am a fan!
Shelley Hiegel
Through being a part of this workshop, I have become more aware of the issues of racism in our country, as well as within myself, and the absolute need to become antiracist in order for our country to heal. In sharing her knowledge, experiences, and resources, Anita provided us with a safe place in which to examine and acknowledge our own thoughts and feelings, and in turn, shared hers. One comes away from the workshop realizing this exploring of our country’s real history and its effects must be recognized and acknowledged. In conclusion Anita challenged us to establish our own goals and plans to work toward antiracism individually and collectively. I highly recommend the participation in this workshop as Anita provides an outstanding opportunity for valued discussions.
Judy Traister
Participating in Anita’s training helped me re-clarify my commitment to an anti-racist path. She guided our training group deep into traditionally overlooked U.S. history, past and present, and gave each of us space to connect with one another, share experiences, and reflect. Anita expertly achieves a balance between educating on the hard truth of our country’s race dynamics while simultaneously creating a supportive environment in which to connect, share, and learn. Thank you, Anita!
Sarah Grubb
Attending Anita’s workshop was a life changer for me. I realized while attending the sessions and reading the powerful resource material provided, that just saying I am antiracist is not being antiracist. I learned so much about the history of black people and how racist beliefs and structures are pervasive in all aspects of our lives from education to housing to health care, and how institutional policies were developed over time to support racism. I learned how being quiet and living the life of a privileged white woman is not helping my black family members and black friends. I need to be more active in their lives and help tear down those beliefs and structures and support policy change. I need to speak up and openly support them, and since attending Anita’s workshops, I have. I was also so impressed with how Anita spoke and lead our discussions. She didn’t present with anger or resentment or judgement. She spoke with kindness, understanding, confidence, and grace. You are truly a remarkable person Anita and I appreciate you.
Joanne Riley