Latest episode:
05/08/2018 03:00 pm
UniverSoul Heart Radio with Kathleen Johnson - Sensible Spirituality for Everyday Living: Horses as Energy Healers with Pamela Allen-LeBlanc
UniverSoul Heart Radio with Kathleen Johnson - Sensible Spirituality for Everyday Living: Horses as Energy Healers with Pamela Allen-LeBlanc
Get Grounded & Connected! Tune-in monthly every 2nd Tuesday at 3pm pacific/6pm eastern Find your path to wholeness and integrate spirituality into your everyday life with UniverSoul Heart Radio! Tune in each month as Kathleen Johnson explores the concept of sensible spirituality-keeping you grounded, connected and centered on the path to wholeness!
UniverSoul Heart Radio with Kathleen Johnson - Sensible Spirituality for Everyday Living
Kathleen will guide listeners through such topics as: Reiki, Meditation, Soul Evolution & Growth, Past Life Exploration, Energy Healing, Spiritual ... Read more
Those of us who are parents may be familiar with the saying – “There are two things we give our children – one is Roots and the other is Wings.” When our children are small.....
Approximately six months ago, I received the training and ignitions for Holy Fire Reiki, the new evolution of this amazing healing modality. Since then, it has informed......
As we all know, life in “Earth school” is replete with challenges – after all, those challenges represent our opportunities for growth and evolution, which in turn lead us to......
As a Reiki teacher, I have had the honor and privilege of initiating many individuals to the Reiki path. This is always a beautiful and sacred event for me as well as the student.