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Co-Host Profile

Shakti Durga

Shakti Durga - World Renowned Spiritual Teacher and Author

Founder of The WellBeing Initiative, a registered Australian charity with the vision of helping to lift human consciousness and promoting spiritual, mental, emotional and physical flourishing. Shakti Durga has authored 5 books and countless spiritual music and mantra CD’s.

Shakti Durga helps others to heal and become inspired. She assists them to experience non-duality, through which their lives begin to abound with miracles of grace.
Shakti Durga has developed two pathways for spiritual evolution. One is a joy-filled spiritual training program ... Read more

Shakti Durga - World Renowned Spiritual Teacher and Author

Founder of The WellBeing Initiative, a registered Australian charity with the vision of helping to lift human consciousness and promoting spiritual, mental, emotional and physical flourishing. Shakti Durga has authored 5 books and countless spiritual music and mantra CD’s.

Shakti Durga helps others to heal and become inspired. She assists them to experience non-duality, through which their lives begin to abound with miracles of grace.
Shakti Durga has developed two pathways for spiritual evolution. One is a joy-filled spiritual training program called The Spiritual Path, which focuses on cultivating inner illumination through a deep, practical understanding of multi-faith spirituality. The other is a comprehensive seminar series for spiritual personal development, assisting people to marry spirituality with worldly life, bringing more grace, skill and peace to even the most difficult circumstances. This series is available through The Consciousness Connection.
Prior to commencing her vocation in spirituality, Shakti Durga was a practising barrister. She has two grown children and lives in Cooranbong, north of Sydney in NSW Australia.

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  • "Thank you. Dr. Pat it sounds like a very Positive show. I like the story about the Motel." Love and Light to you all David -UK

  • "Thank you for the pleasant conversation/interview this morning. Webster defines communication as the art of using words to impart information and ideas. Enthusiasm is defined as great excitement for or interest in a subject. You truly are an enthusiastic artist when it comes to leading interviews. Your passion to elevate performance and happiness creates daily ripples that impact the shores of life throughout the world. I beseech you to continue on your magnificent journey. With Gratitude"
    Lee Brower

  • "Excellent question Pat! Not one that I get asked very often so thanks for asking. What have my a-ha moments been? There have been so many. I mean I am a totally different person than I was when I started studying this 10 years ago. My first a-ha moment was the a-ha that someone needs to study this. If we're trying to win the war on cancer why are we ignoring the people who've won? We should be talking to them. We should be studying them. So that was the first coin that dropped for me was just something like do this, study this, don't be afraid. It didn't scare me. It actually excited me. My dear friend died when we were 16 of stomach cancer so to be across from someone like him was told they were going to die and yet 25 years later that does not scare me. That gives me incredible hope and for a potential cure for cancer down the road."
    Dr. Kelly Turner

  • "I want to thank you so very much because over the last 10 years you have really been a very instrumental part of our evolution because you're feeding cultural creatives, the audience, the wonderful people that are listening, people who are looking outside of the box, with answers that could help us thrive into the future. So I'm very honored to share this time with you Pat."  Bruce Lipton 
    Bruce Lipton

  • "I'm as excited about it as you are and thrilled because this is where I think the movement is going."
    James Twyman