Latest episode:
08/07/2014 10:00 am
SOUL SUITCASE™ with Victoria Coen: Idiot Compassion - Giving Gone Wild
SOUL SUITCASE™ with Victoria Coen: Idiot Compassion - Giving Gone Wild
SOUL SUITCASE with Victoria Coen - Bringing Inner Wisdom on Your Daily Journey
Where do you desire to go in your life How do you plan to get there Are you only looking outside yourself for the answers What if you used your Soul's wisdom to lead the way So what is the Soul, and how do you access its wisdom SOUL SUITCASE with Victoria Coen will "unpack" these questions and help you tap into and trust your own inner voice to solve everyday problems. Our Soul Suitcase is a treasure chest of wisdom inside us. Some people have become separated from their deepest wisdom and have lost their internal compass, resulting in pain and confusion ... Read more