Awaken to Your Soul Power with Auriella: Education of the Soul through Melchizedek with guest Sylvia Shanti Vowless

Awaken to Your Soul Power with Auriella: Education of the Soul through Melchizedek with guest Sylvia Shanti Vowless

  10/20/2010  02:00 pm PST

The Order of Melchizedek is the Order of Light, Knowledge and soul-based Teaching Intelligence governing and guiding the spiritual evolution of humanity. As such, it has seeded all the worlds great spiritual traditions through many High Priests of the Order such as Jesus who was himself a Qabbalist, who have come to earth throughout history to help humanitys spiritual progress.


Auriella Auriella

Auriella Auriella

As an international teacher, healer, speaker, and coach, Auriella assists individuals in awakening to their spiritual power and being more empowered in their life. As a very...

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 Sylvia Shanti Vowless

Sylvia Shanti Vowless

In 1997, Sylvia Shanti Vowless accepted the assignment to establish an Academy of Light as part of the prophesied worldwide network. Although it is based in the Lemurian e...

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