Beyond Proof with Angie Corbett-Kuiper: Re-defining Death and Loss: April showers bring May flowers...What death teaches us about life.
04/17/2019 12:00 pm PST
I hope you will join me as I share how the month of April can just plain suck if allowed and how I choose to navigate these significant dates when they creep up.
This show promises to be a very raw and real episode as I take you with me on an intimate roller coaster ride as I share how I continue to navigate death and more importantly, what death has taught me about life and living.
April 1, 2015, the news was made public that my 20-year-old son, Nicholas, took his life at the base of the Sandia Mountains in Albuquerque, NM.
April 11th, 2015 the "Celebration of Life" service in honor of Nick.
April 16th, 2016 wedding day to my fiancée of 5 years to Johannes Jacob Kuiper.
April 18th, 2106 Johanne's 50th Birthday
April 25th, 2016 the day I received the phone call telling me my husband of only one week took his life in our Dallas Apt.
Have you lost someone significant? How are you choosing to navigate each of these days and dates when they approach each year? Is it possible to bow in love, compassion, and to be gentle with ourselves? Or, instead, do we fear these dates and prepare to enter each with grief, sadness, and pain?
I hope to share how a change in mindset has changed how I live through each of these significant dates. Just like anything, it too is a process.
During this show, I have also chosen to share a few of the several emails I continue to receive from you asking for more. The one common denominator I have found in reading your emails is the feeling of being completely alone, even when surrounded by others. The takeaway is you are not alone, that there are so many others who are feeling similar feelings of abandonment and loneliness. You are loved, and you are precious. And YOU are amazing exactly where you are and no matter where you are on your soul's journey.
Sharing from a place of significant loss, I hope to offer a few pearls if you are wondering, "now what?" and "what's next?" Unfortunately, we are on this journey, and there is no going back, a path that was unexpected and unwelcomed.
I would be most honored to have you join me.
Angie Corbett-Kuiper
Beyond Proof Radio with Angie Corbett-Kuiper: Re-defining Death and Loss Angie Corbett-Kuiper is described as a pioneer in the field of transforming the way in whi...
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