Get Rooted Radio with Erica Gifford Mills: Living it Up ~ Loving it Up ~ Letting it Go!: The Neuroscience of Creating a Resilient Brain

Get Rooted Radio with Erica Gifford Mills: Living it Up ~ Loving it Up ~ Letting it Go!: The Neuroscience of Creating a Resilient Brain

  11/01/2021  02:00 pm PST

Get Rooted Radio with Erica Gifford Mills: Living it Up ~ Loving it Up ~ Letting it Go!: The Neuroscience of Creating a Resilient BrainWhen you’re knocked down, do you bounce back and throw yourself into the ring of life again? Or, do you melt into a puddle of depression and resignation? Resiliency is not a trait that you either have or don’t have. Instead, it is a skill that can be learned.


Join Erica Gifford Mills and her guest, Wanda Townsend, as they discuss creating a resilient brain on this episode of Get Rooted Radio.


erica gifford mills host of get rooted radio on transformation talk radio

Erica Gifford Mills

Get Rooted Radio with Erica Gifford MillsEvery 1st & 3rd Monday - 2pm pt / 4pm ct / 5pm et Are you ready to branch out? To take a leap of faith? To love yourself and ot...

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 Wanda Townsend

Wanda Townsend

Wanda Townsend is an Industrial and Organizational (I-O) Psychology and NeuroLeadership Practitioner with over 30 years of experience in coaching, developing, and leading hi...

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