Maybe I Can! Exploring Possibilities, One Sprinkle at a Time with Debbie Weiss: Mindful Living: Navigating Life's Challenges with Dr. Theresa B. Skaar

Maybe I Can! Exploring Possibilities, One Sprinkle at a Time with Debbie Weiss: Mindful Living: Navigating Life's Challenges with Dr. Theresa B. Skaar

  05/07/2024  01:00 pm PST

Maybe I Can! Exploring Possibilities, One Sprinkle at a Time with Debbie Weiss: Mindful Living: Navigating Life's Challenges with Dr. Theresa B. SkaarJoin us for a chat with Dr. Theresa B. Skaar as we explore how mindfulness can help us find peace in life's toughest moments. From aging to grief to body image, Dr. Theresa breaks down how mindfulness can make a big difference. With her down-to-earth approach, she'll leave you feeling inspired to give mindfulness a try and embrace life with a little more grace and acceptance.



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Debbie Weiss Host on Transformation Talk Radio

Debbie Weiss

Maybe I Can! Exploring Possibilities, One Sprinkle at a Time with Debbie WeissEvery Tuesday at 1pm PT / 4pm ET   Welcome to the "Maybe I Can! Exploring Possibilities,...

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 Theresa B.  Skaar Ph.D.

Theresa B. Skaar Ph.D.

Dr. Theresa B. Skaar has a Ph.D. in social psychology, is certified in mind-body medicine, and is a qualified Mindfulness-based stress reduction instructor.  ...

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