The Body Talks Podcast with Dr. Brook: are you listening?: 006: Supplements:  To Take or Not to Take, That is the Question

The Body Talks Podcast with Dr. Brook: are you listening?: 006: Supplements: To Take or Not to Take, That is the Question

  07/20/2021  05:00 am PDT

How do you know a supplement is right for you? Can too much or too little of a good thing be bad? Is there a really big difference between a “lower” quality supplement and a “higher” quality one? What are the things you should be aware of when purchasing supplements online?


These questions and more are answered in today’s episode of the body talks podcast.


Uncover the truth about supplementation and discover health in a whole new way!


To order your personalized supplement packs based on your DNA and lifestyle, go to and enter code BROOKREF1 (available for the first 10 orders).


Need assistance in removing the guesswork out of your health? Schedule a FREE 15-min call with me to discover exactly what your body is seeking so IT can do the work it was designed to do.


Dr Brook Sheehan host on Transformation Talk Radio

Dr. Brook Sheehan

The Body Talks Podcast with Dr. Brook: Are You Listening? With passion and love, Dr. Brook teaches you how to carry on a dialogue with the greatest creation to ever exist- ...

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