The Free Lawyer Podcast with Gary Miles: The People-Pleasing Predicament & The Curse of People-Pleasing

The Free Lawyer Podcast with Gary Miles: The People-Pleasing Predicament & The Curse of People-Pleasing

  03/09/2024  10:00 am PST

The Free Lawyer Podcast with Gary Miles: The People-Pleasing Predicament & The Curse of People-Pleasing121. ThePeople-Pleasing Predicament: Unraveling the Hidden Costs (part 1)
123. The Curse of People-Pleasing: How to Break Free and Live Authentically (Part 2)

Have you ever been asked to do something for someone, said yes, and then resented that you hadto do it? Has someone ever complained about something, and you said, "I'm sorry," when youdid not think you did anything wrong? If so, you may suffer from whatis commonly called"people pleasing." It is not bad, but it can lead to frustration, resentment, and losing connectionwith who we are. Many of us have suffered from people-pleasing. I know I have.Today wedive deep into the world of people-pleasing andits far-reaching effects. We'll explore thispervasive issue's root causes, consequences, and signs. We'll start by defining people pleasingand examining its origins. We'll discuss how societal norms, upbringing, and personalinsecurities contribute to this behavior pattern. We'll also delve into how people pleasing affectsindividuals and their relationships. We'll discuss the far-reaching consequences, from the impacton self-esteem and personal fulfillment to the strain on interpersonal connections. We'll explorethe underlying beliefs and thought patterns that fuel people-pleasing behaviors.Today we lay out the problem and causes; next week in part 2 we give 14 tools for overcomingpeople pleasing.Have a listen! Would you like to learn how to create greater personal freedom by avoidingpeople pleasing? If so, I can help.

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Gary Miles the Free Lawyer

Gary Miles

Gary Miles is a legal luminary with over four decades of experience practicing law, primarily in litigation and family law. His journey through the legal landscape has been ...

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