The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence: Finding Your People

The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence: Finding Your People

  03/30/2024  09:00 am PST

The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence: Finding Your PeopleLoneliness affects us all on the spiritual path at one time or another. In large part because this is a very unspiritual world and truly spiritual people are still in a small minority. But, even though it may be difficult to break away from "normal" life to follow our own inner prompting towards spirituality, is there anything else that really matters? Join me and Richard for a discussion about the promise of true spiritual friendship on the path, and, most importantly of all – the goal of all yoga, union with the Divine.


Richard Lawrence Podcast Host

Richard Lawrence

The Spiritual Freedom Show Podcast with Richard Lawrence Described by Kindred Spirit magazine as one “of the biggest talents in MBS”, Richard Lawrence is a vete...

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