Transformation with Martine': Conquer Everything, Compromise Nothing: How dying and intermittent fasting started me living again

Transformation with Martine': Conquer Everything, Compromise Nothing: How dying and intermittent fasting started me living again

  02/25/2022  10:00 am PST

Transformation with Martine': Conquer Everything, Compromise Nothing: How dying and intermittent fasting started me living againFred was born with challenges due to an ABI that weren't identified until his mid-30s. Then starting in 2009, he had more added on via medical trauma, misdiagnosis and medical device failures, leading to 22 hospitalizations, 12 heart procedures, being clinically dead roughly 50 times along with dozens of concussions. There is no established road map for recovery from a multi-factorial trauma like this.  So he set out to devise his own road map. It was moderately successful, until he learned about and began practicing Intermittent Fasting. Originally prescribed for weight loss, Fred experienced the flip side of Intermittent Fasting - its relatively unknown healing and restorative benefits. Twelve years after the initial traumas of 2009, Fred is improving and inspiring people every day. He attributes the large majority of his recovery to Intermittent Fasting. He believes his purpose is to find ways to help people in their own struggles. He is writing his memoir "The Summer I Died Twenty Times" and has coached thousands on the benefits of Intermittent Fasting.


Martine Emmons host on Transformation talk radio

Martine Emmons

Transformation with Martine': Conquer Everything, Compromise Nothing Fridays ~ 10am PT / 1pm ET Martiné Emmons’ life has taken sharp twists and turns around n...

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Fred Rutman

Fred Rutman

Fred Rutman, BA, CACE, MBA, Certified Marketing Specialist Intermittent Faster and Coach, Death and Brain Trauma Survivor Currently writing the medical trauma memoir "The S...

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