Guest Profile

Bradford Keeney

Bradford Keeney, PhD, is an internationally renowned therapist, shaman, scholar, and improvisational performer. As the author of more than thirty-one books, Keeney presently is a modern day MOJO DOCTOR whose creative approaches to helping others stem from his unique blend of the oldest and newest healing traditions, all delivered with entertaining theatrical gusto

Elders of the Kalahari Bushmen and other indigenous traditions have embraced Keeney as an elder and spokesperson for their ways of experiential transformation. In addition he is regarded by leaders of the mental health professions as one of the most creative therapists in the world. Living in the swamps of Louisiana, his passion for irreverence, uncommon wisdom, and improvised performance come together in his dynamic mind blowing presentations. He gives each audience an opportunity to experience mojo, the real magic that makes us feel ecstatically alive.

Bradford Keeney, Ph.D., is presently Professor and Hanna Spyker Eminent Scholars Chair in Education and Director, CIRCULUS: Innovations for Creative Transformation & Virtual Pedagogy, University of Louisiana, Monroe; and President, Louisiana Association of Marriage and Family Therapy.
